Noddle Island.

Anecdotes About Samuel Maverick . . .

The island took the name by which is was so long known from William Noddle, designated as "an honest man from Salem" by old writers. It seems that he occupied it previous to 1630, about which time Samuel Maverick, with the alleged help of David Thompson—owner of Thompson island—came into possession. The fee of this property did not rest exclusively in Maverick apparently, for in 1631 an order was passed by the court restraining persons from "putting on Cattell, felling wood or raseing slate" on this island. Like all the islands in the harbor, there appeared to be forests growing upon Noddle's island in former times, and apparently a similar fate befell them all to be bereft of this growth. In 1632 the following order was passed:

"Noe'p'son wt'soever shall shoot att fowle upon Pullen Poynte or Noddle's Ileland, but the sd places shalbe reserved for John Perkins, to take fowle with nets."

The following is a copy of the order passed in favor of Mr. Maverick:

"Noddle's Ileland is granted to Mr. Sam'l Mavack to enjoy to him and his heires for ever. Yielding & payeing yearly att ye Generall Court, to ye Gov'n'r for the time being, either a fatt weather, a fatt hogg, or XLs in money, & shalle give leave to Boston & Charles Towne to fetch woode . . . as theire neede requires, from ye southerne p'ts of sd ilsland."

It appears that the "neede" of Boston and Charlestown required all the wood growing, for when the East Boston Company took possession in 1833 there were but two trees standing on the entire territory.

This island, as well as Breed's island, were very early claimed by Sir William Brereton, and this name did sometimes appear in the connection formerly, as the name of Susanna (his daughter) was likewise applied to Breed's island, but no confirmation of title to either ever resulted.

Noddle's island was "layd to Boston," as it was termed, in 1636. It originally contained about 663 acres, together with the contiguous flats to low water mark. Its nearest approach to Boston proper is by ship channel ferry about 1800 feet . . . .

Samuel Maverick appears to have been a man of considerable importance, exercising great hospitality at his island home, where he often received Governor Winthrop and other notabilities. In 1636 he made a visit to Virginia and stopped there a year. On the return he brought with him 14 heifers and 80 goats, losing 20 of the latter on the voyage. Mt. Wollaston in Quincy was then a portion of Trimount, or Boston, and was used for pasturing cattle, Mr. Maverick being allowed 500 acres for his use.

In 1641 he gave succor at Noddle's island to Thomas Owen and Mrs. Sarah Hale, who had escaped from durance under a charge of illicit conduct. For this offense Maverick was fined £100. It was not presumed that he was aware of the circumstances, so the sum was partially remitted afterwards. In 1645 he made a loan to the town towards fortifying Castle island which the town guaranteed should be refunded "in case said garrison be defeated or demolished, except by adversary power, within three years." John Josselyn, who visited this country in 1638 on a tour of observation,

Paid Maverick a Visit.

He avowed that Maverick was the "only hospitable man in the country, giving entertainments to all comers gratis." Having refreshed himself there by a stay of several days, Josselyn crossed over in a small boat to look at Boston, which he compared to a small village. At night he returned to the island. Some years later he made another visit to the country, and again called on Mr. Maverick, who gave him a warm welcome and kept him until his ship was ready for returning to England.

In one of Josselyn's rambles in the forest which then covered the island he discovered something which he mistook for a fruit similar to a pineapple. "It was plated with scales and as big as the crown of a woman's hat." No sooner had he touched it, however, than out swarmed a cloud of insects which went for him. These hornets stung his face, and made it swell so badly that when he returned to the house his friend would not have known him save for his clothing.

Mr. Maverick was so persecuted later, on account of his religious tenets—Episcopalian—that he gave up his residence. In 1661 Mr. Thomas Clarke was in occupation, though the property had been previously claimed—1652—by John Burch. About 1675 Colonel Shrimpton appeared to have considerable to do with the island. In 1689 Mrs. Mary Hooke of Kittery, Me., made claim to the property, as being daughter of Samuel Maverick, but there is no record that her claim was allowed.

Boston Daily Globe, Jan 6, 1889, p. 20

The Hunt for Dixey Bull

Dixey Bull, having turned from peaceful trader to pirate, and encouraged by his successful raid upon the settlement of Pemaquid, continued his attacks upon the settlements; but in order not to arouse too great feeling concerning his acts he caused a written message to be sent to the Governors of the various colonies. He signified his intention of doing no bodily harm to any of his fellow countrymen if his band was not resisted in its plunderings, and that he would soon sail to the southward. He gave warning, however, that in case vessels were sent to capture him he was resolved to sink his ship with all hands, rather than be taken. 

Men returning from the Penobscot spread abroad the news of the pirate's attacks, which threatened the very existence of the trading posts of that region, of the "Perils that did abound as thick as thought could make them." The pirates almost cleared the waters of coasting craft, for what they did not capture they drove to cover. 

This state of affairs alarmed and aroused the authorities of Massachusetts Bay. Late in November, they decided to take steps to end the situation. They arranged with Samuel Maverick of Noddles Island, now East Boston, to outfit a pinnace to go in pursuit of Dixey Bull and his gang. Twenty armed men were recruited to compose the crew, and they sailed to the eastward to unite with a force which was being organized at Piscataqua for the same purpose. This party consisted of 40 men and four small pinnaces and shallops. 

The united fleet set sail, laying a course along the coast. Their progress was slow, for they searched each cove and bay, looking in behind the islands, questioning all they met for news of the pirates. Rumors and wild tales were poured into their ears, but nothing authentic was learned concerning Bull and his movements. Finally they reached the village of Pemaquid, and there gained first hand knowledge of his assault. 

Winter had now set in in earnest, and it was not a season to be taken lightly with only small open boats to go to sea in. Strong easterly gales, with angry seas and snow, made it impossible to continue the search in their little craft and they were glad to lie safe in the Pemaquid's snug harbor. For three weeks they were storm bound here before there came a break in the weather. 

The gales finally abated, and the little fleet sailed again. On to the eastward they went, questioning all they met. The Muscongus was searched, Monhegan and the outlying islands visited, and yet no word of Bull was received. They came finally into the Penobscot, where the pirates had begun their activities, but they met with no better luck here. 

Storms again hindered their search, and after enduring the rigors of the bitter Winter weather and the perils of the angry seas they decided to give over the attempt and return. Turning back, they returned home to report their lack of success. 

Finally, news of Bull came from three members of his crew, who had deserted and returned to their homes. They claimed that the pirates had sailed to the eastward and joined the French. 

Two years later Gov Winthrop of Massachusetts, repeated this statement as accounting for the disappearance of Dixey Bull. Capt Roger Clap, however, records that Bull finally returned to England. This, as far as New England was concerned, ended the forays of the first pirate to cruise these waters, but there is an additional report that Bull was arrested in England. This was apparently done at the suggestion of the Earl of Bellomont. Bull was brought to trial and found guilty. He was hanged at Tyburn, ending his career in true pirate fashion.

Arthur Cornwell Knapp, Daily Boston Globe, Aug 10, 1928, p. 14

East Boston Worth $3500

That Was the Price Paid for the Whole Island 270 [360] Years Ago—The Globe Gets the Ancient Deed of Sale

They actually sold the whole of East Boston for $3500 worth of brown sugar.

Not lately, but 270 [360] years ago, when that now thriving district was known as Noddles Island, and its only riches were one comfortable dwelling, a small grist mill, a few huts and a plentiful supply of woods and grass.

The sale is recorded in a deed recently brought to the Globe office by someone who believed "there might be a story in it." In spite of its great antiquity, the document is without a crack or a tear, the paper is still white and the ink as black as though used yesterday. The text, written too finely to be comfortably perused without magnifying, is in script practically of Shakespeare's period.

What is virtually a printed duplicate of it is on file in the Suffolk Registry of Deeds as are also records of six subsequent sales of Noddles Island before 1833, when the island ceased to be the property of any individual or family and was christened East Boston.

As Big as Boston Proper

The Globe's ancient deed shows that Samuel Maverick, the earliest known owner of the future East Boston, then as great in area as Boston proper, confirmed the sale of it to Col Burch on the above-mentioned terms and date.

The sale by Maverick to Burch had actually been made seven years earlier than the date of the deed, but continuous litigation between seller and buyer had followed, Maverick continuing to occupy the island on the pretext that the purchaser had failed to fulfill conditions of sale.

The long litigation ended in 1656 by a decree of the Massachusetts General Court that Noddles Island should be Burch's as soon as he had deposited for Maverick in a certain seaside warehouse in Barbadoes, "muscovadoes" sugar to the value of 700 pounds sterling. Muscovado was the Spanish term for brown or unrefined sugar.

This designation of sugar as a legal tender, in the opinion of W. T. A. Fitzgerald, Registrar of deeds, explains the use in past generations of the word sugar for money, as dough is now used.

Maverick, being a shipping merchant and trader, probably found a profitable market for his sugar anywhere between Virginia and the coast of Maine. In the Globe's deed he and his son, Nathaniel, who was joint grantor, acknowledge complete satisfaction as to delivery of the sugar.

Here Before Winthrop Came

Authenticity of the deed seems proven by the wax seal which Maverick affixed to his own signature, for it is the seal of David Thompson, who lived and traded with the Indians on Thompson Island in the harbor before Boston existed, when Maverick on Noddles Island, William Blaxton on Beacon Hill and one Walford in the Future Charlestown were the only settlers hereabouts.

Maverick acquired the seal by marrying Mrs Thompson six months after her husband's death in 1628. The defunct, by the way, had always spelled his name "Thomson." Maverick spelled his name "Mavericke." A second seal on the deed, affixed to Nathaniel Maverick's name, has not been identified.

Samuel Maverick seems to have occupied Noddles Island as a squatter for about three years previous to the arrival of Winthrop's colony, who settled in Boston in 1630 and claimed Noddles Island as belonging to their grant.

In 1633, however, they gave the island in perpetuity to Maverick and his heirs, probably in consideration of his being an extensive raiser of cattle, sheep, goats and pigs, much in demand for immigrants and arriving and departing ships.

It is a historic fact that supplying ships with fresh meat remained the chief activity of the tenants of Noddles Island during the 200 years it was privately owned.

Fatt Hogg or $10

The only obligations the General Court placed on Maverick in making him proprietor of the island were that he should annually furnish the Governor "a fatt wether, a fatt hogg" or the equivalent of $10 in cash, and should allow the people of Charlestown and Boston to cut all the wood they wanted for fuel from the southern part of his island. It is well know there never was a stick of timber in Boston, and this indicates there was probably none in Charlestown.

The name of the island is supposed to indicate that before Maverick's time it had been occupied for a while by William Noddle, a much respected pioneer, who was drowned at Salem in 1632.

Maverick's house, thought to have stood on the site of Maverick sq. may have been destroyed by the Revolution, when Colonial military authorities burned everything on the island that might possibly benefit British troops during the siege of Boston.

Maverick was probably something of an Indian trader, for he had a rude fort on the island defended by four small cannon of the kind called "murderers," because of the bloody work effected by the volleys of old nails, scraps of iron and brass and other miscellaneous junk with which they were loaded. Their reputation probably obviated the necessity of ever firing one of them.

Maverick had the "distinction" of inaugurating negro slavery in New England on Noddles Island about 1638, and he boasted of breeding "blooded stock, both slaves and cattle."

Nearly Ruined Innkeepers

To all strangers visiting Boston he extended hospitality like that of a baron of old, bidding them forsake the tavern for his own festive board, bountifully supplied with wines and liquors, with fine beef and mutton, game birds from his own marshes and oysters, clams, lobsters and fish taken almost in front of his door, till the General Court forbade him to usurp the prerogatives of the tavern keepers.

Although son of a Puritan minister, Samuel Maverick was an enthusiastic Church of England man. With others of the same faith he petitioned the General Court about 1646 that they be allowed the rights of citizenship denied those not of the Congregationalist church.

Their petition being denied, they complained to the British Parliament, were then imprisoned and fined by the General Court. Refusing to pay his fine and fearing that Noddles Island would be appropriated in lieu of it, Maverick, according to his daughter, disposed of it himself in order to forestal the authorities.

She declared her father first transferred the island to his son by means of what was intended to be a make-believe sale, but which to his chagrin, his son, for awhile at least, insisted on regarding as a bonafide one.

Made Enemies Tremble

The Globe's deed recites that seven years earlier, in 1649, Maverick, his wife Amias and his son Nathaniel had sold Noddles Island to George Briggs of Barbados, that Briggs had reconvened it soon afterward to Nathaniel Maverick and that the same Nathaniel sold it to Col John Burch, after which followed the long litigation culminating in the Globe's deed, which finally confirmed the sale.

After leaving Noddles Island in 1656, Maverick moved from place to place, Virginia, West Indies, London, Eng. and New York, wherever he went denouncing New Englanders as traitors to the English Church and institutions.

He probably paid tribute largely to his own enterprise when, in 1658, he wrote that while in 1624, when he came here from England at the age of 21, "there was not a single cow, horse or sheep in New England, and very few goats or hogs"; 30 years later, when he left here, "it is a wonder to see great herds of cattle and the great number of horses belonging to every town, as well as to thousands of cattle and hogs slaughtered each year for years past and sent to New Foundland and the West Indies or sold to provision ships."

Probably the happiest period of his life was when, by appointment of King Charles II in 1664, he returned here a member of a royal commission to investigate and correct as they saw fit all alleged New England shortcomings. He caused a lot of worry to those who had earlier denied him the privileges of citizenship, but accomplished little to their disadvantage, after all.

He died about 1670, age about 68, in New York, in a house given him by King Charles II and under such obscure circumstances that the date of his passing away has not been preserved.

Two of Samuel Maverick's descendants, both Samuels, became historical characters. One, who lived on State st in 1770, was a victim of the so-called Boston Massacre on the night of March 5, that year, when the British troops fired a volley into a belligerent crowd at the east end of the Old State House.

A later Samuel, a San Antonio, Tex. lawyer, and a cattle raiser like his Noddles Island ancestor, owing to having his ranch on an island, omitted to brand his cattle, as other owners did, with the result that in time all unbranded cattle, particularly young ones, came to be known as "mavericks," and finally either cattle or property unlawfully obtained were said to have been "mavericked." Following the destiny of Noddles Island after its transfer to Col John Burch of the Barbados in 1656, Burch sold it the same year to Thomas Broughton of Boston, who immediately turned it over to a number of his creditors.

Called North Boston Then

One of them got sole possession of it in 1662, and two years later he sold it to Sir Thomas Temple, to whom Temple st, West End, is still a memorial. Temple sold it in 1670 to Samuel Shrimpton, for whom Exchange st was once called Shrimptons lane.

Shrimpton bequeathed the island to his widow, who in turn left it to her granddaughter, Mrs John Yeamans, who bequeathed it to her son, Shute Shrimpton Yeamans.

Shute in 1768 bequeathed it to three of his aunts, Mrs Chauncy, wife of the minister of First Church; the wife of Gov Increase Sumner, for whom Sumner st was named, and the mother of David Grenough, later to be an extensive real estate developer.

Alexander Corbett, Boston Daily Globe, Aug 29, 1926, p. C9

Pilgrims and Puritans Were Not Original New England Settlers

Charles K. Bolton Says Undue Emphasis Given Plymouth and Boston Colonies by Early Historians

"New England history did not begin with either the Pilgrims at Plymouth or the Puritan settlement of Boston, both of which were preceded by a number of successive English settlements and trading posts about Massachusetts Bay."

That statement was made by Charles K. Bolton, librarian of the Boston Atheneum, in a paper entitled: "Comers to New England in the 1620s," read at the monthly luncheon of the Society of Colonial Wars, at the Parker House, yesterday afternoon.

Mr Bolton claimed that undue emphasis had been laid on the experience of the Plymouth and the Boston Colonists owing to the fact that there were no historians or diarists among the earliest settlers and because most later local historians were Pilgrim or Puritan ministers.

Mr Bolton gave a brief account of several settlements between 1623 and 1630 in connection with which unsuccessful attempts were made to establish the Episcopal Church in Massachusetts Bay.

The first attempt referred to by the speaker was by the colony of Capt Robert Gorges, near what is now Weymouth, in 1623. With that group were said to have come from England, among other Episcopalians, Rev William Blaxton, earliest inhabitant of the future Boston; Roger Conant, first owner of Governor's Island in Boston Harbor; Samuel Maverick, whose ownership of Noddle's Island, later East Boston, was coupled with the obligation to allow Bostonians to cut and remove from there all the firewood they wanted, and Rev William Morrell, on whose return to England in 1625, the infant English church expired.

The next attempt to launch episcopacy here was credited to Rev John Lyford, who landed at Plymouth, whence he was soon banished to a settlement on the west side of the present Gloucester Harbor. He was driven from there to Salem, where John Endicott and his fellow Puritans in 1628 put an end to all Episcopal ceremonies.

The last survivor of the earliest Episcopal group here, the speaker concluded, was Roger Conant, who died in Lynn in 1679, nine years before the organization in Boston of the first permanent Episcopal Church, that which later founded King's Chapel.

Daily Boston Globe, Apr. 19, 1929, p. 8

Introduction to Empire

The first known exchange of goods for the wine of Spain and the eastern Atlantic islands was undertaken not by the Puritans but by one of their predecessors in the New World, that stubbornly independent Anglican of Noddles Island in Massachusetts Bay, Samuel Maverick. In 1641, when the Puritan fishing merchants were first being contacted by the Londoners, he was engaged in a triangular trade by which he paid for purchases in Bristol by sending whale oil to Anthony Swymmer, his agent in that west-country port, and clapboards to one William Lewis in Málaga on the Mediterranean coast of Spain, who remitted to Swymmer credits for Maverick's account in the form of Spanish money and fruit.
'Legacy of the First Generation'
When it became evident that the New England leaders were suspect in Whitehall, a number of disaffected New Englanders who had long nursed grievances against the Puritan regime trooped to the council tables seeking revenge. Among them were merchants hoping to find in England levers of influence by which to arrange circumstances in New England to fit their desires. They were the first to take advantage of the fact that political affiliation with people in official London society, especially with those in circles close to the king, could be the key to commercial success in New England.

Foremost was Samuel Maverick, the ancient settler of Boston, still smarting from the indignities conferred on him by the Puritans. Between 1660 and 1663, appearing before the Council for Foreign Plantations, conferring with the Lord Privy Seal, and writing to Clarendon frequently and at length, he managed to keep up a steady drumbeat of charges against the New England Puritans. The Massachusetts magistrates, he argued, fancied themselves independent of England, kept most of the population in subjection to their will by limiting the franchise to church members ("noe Church member noe freeman, Noe freeman no ovate"), deprived them of liberties due all Englishmen, and had no regard whatever for the interests of the home country. They were, surely, tyrants and traitors. Yet it would take little effort to set things right. At least "3 quarter parts of the inhabitants in the whole Country are loyal subjects to his Majeste in their harts," and, at the first sign of royal authority, would throw off the Puritan yoke and bring New England with its wealth in land and trade as well as its military power safely into the hands of the king. And in case the rulers were stubborn and refused to hand over the reins of government, "debarring them from trade a few months, will force them to it."

Maverick's purpose was not merely to revenge himself on his enemies but to advance England's fortunes and with them his own by influencing policies then being worked out to reduce the power of the Dutch at sea and in the colonies. He urged the appointment of a royal commission to investigate the situation in the northern American colonies, to put an end to the evils being committed daily in New England, and to arrange for the conquest of New Amsterdam. Hoping to have a share "(as a servant) in that work," he mustered what support he could to have himself appointed a member of the commission.

While responding to immediate pressures with ad hoc decisions, the Plantation Board and Privy Council also considered more permanent policies. As petitions, claims, and accusations continued to flow in, it became clear that an extensive investigation would have to be made, and the king in council instructed a royal commission to visit New England. Its purpose was to draw the colonies closely under English rule by insisting that the obligations and the liberties, secular and religious, of Englishmen be maintained. The commission was told not to sit in judgement on any matter within the jurisdiction of the colonies "except those proceedings be expressly contrary to the rules prescribed by the Charter, or ... arise from some expressions or clauses contained in some grant under our Great Seale of England." This was a wise consideration, especially as a guard against the excessive zeal of one of the four commissioners — Samuel Maverick, "Esquire."

In its efforts to come to terms with the Massachusetts authorities the commissioners met with a type of obstinacy for which not even the warnings of Thomas Breedon could have prepared them. Excited rumors of Maverick's presence on the commission had brought Puritan hostility to a pitch. By the spring of 1665, when the commissioners presented their credentials to the General Court, they had become devil figures, incarnations of evil to the inflamed Puritans. The General Court declared their commission invalid on the ground that the authority it conveyed conflicted with that of the Massachusetts charter, and refused to authorize their activities within its jurisdiction.

Though the commissioners had been instructed to maintain an impartial position among "the great factions and animosityes" in New England, they soon discovered that if they were to proceed at all it would be necessary for them to rally the support of some part of the population. Maverick took special delight in seeking out and organizing the dissident elements in Massachusetts. On the very afternoon of his arrival in America he wrote to Breedon in Boston, on whose sympathy he could surely rely, ordering him to reprimand the General Court for its action in an admiralty matter. He attempted to lay the groundwork for the success of the commission's efforts in Massachusetts by making a three-week tour of the port towns, renewing old friendships, managing, he later boasted, to "undeceive both Majestrates, Ministers and other considerable persons."

Bernard Bailyn, The New England Merchants in the Seventeenth Century

Family Origins

The English Origins of the "Mary and John" Passengers related that Robert of this genealogy was of yeoman stock. Upon his death in 1573 he was described in parish records as a "clerk" which normally meant he was a cleric. Since he was married, he either was of a minor order which did not require celibacy, or he was ordained after the break with the Catholic church. His predecessor in the Awliscombe church was installed on May 11, 1554.

Although Robert's son Radford studied at Exeter College, Oxford as early as 1581, supposedly he did not receive his B.A. until 1599. He was instituted as vicar of Islington, Devon, on July 1, 1597, received his M.A. in 1603, and became the minister for the city of Exeter. However, parish records at Exeter disclosed his ordination as priest on June 15, 1583. In 1586 he was admitted to the rectory of the church of Trisham. Radford resigned his position at Islington in 1621 and was succeeded by Christopher Warren.

Ordination records of 1597 Exeter, Devonshire, revealed "Deacon and Priest: John Maverick literatus 29 July." In 1615, having received his M.A., John was admitted to the rectory of Beaworthy. He appeared to have died by the time of his brother Radford's 1622 will.

Brother Alexander's wife, Alice Crabbe, may have been the "Alice Mavericke als. Tucke widow" who was buried in Awliscombe on December 16, 1607.

In his will Radford referred to Peter as his eldest brother, so Peter was probably born circa 1550. According to ordination books, Peter was ordained as deacon in a private chapel at the Bishops Palace in Exeter on January 15, 1573/4 and became a priest on March 16 of that year. He was admitted to the "Perpetual Vicarage of Aulscombe" on the resignation of Richard Bacon, clerk, the last incumbent, and was there in 1580. He was succeeded after his death by John Hassard.

One of the entries in the ordination books referred to him as "Peter Bull alias Maverick" and another referred to him as "Peter Maverick alia (sic) Bull." Institution Books at Exeter for 1580 read "Peter Maverick alias Bull, clerk." While no explanation for the two names has been found, there are several possibilities. The most reasonable explanation was that as the eldest brother, in reality Peter was a step-brother. Peter may have been the child of his mother's first marriage. But in that case, Robert would have been the father of Peter.

In 1577 Peter Maverick married Dorothy Tucke, daughter of tenants of the Mayor of Exeter. Perhaps Dorothy was a relation of the "Alice Mavericke als. Tucke widow" referred to above. Peter and Dorothy produced two sets of twins. Both sets died shortly after birth.

According the English Origins of the "Mary & John" Passengers, Peter met a violent death circa 1616. However, no details were given.

His son John was baptized on December 28, 1578 in Awliscombe. John attended Exeter College at Oxford where he received his B.A. on July 8, 1599 and his M.A. on July 7, 1603. John had been already ordained as priest at Exeter, Devon County, on July 29, 1597. Based on her genealogical research reported in the April, 1915 NEHGR, Elizabeth French believed John may have been curate to his uncle Radford who was vicar at Ilsington. John married Mary Gye there on October 28, 1600.

The Maverick family, in particular Radford Maverick, may have been related to the Gye family. In "The Ancestry of Mary Gye, Wife of Rev. John Maverick", John G. Hunt reported that Mary's great-uncle was Nicholas Radford, a noted judge who was murdered circa 1455 and suggested that Radford Maverick might have been named after Nicholas or some other member of the Radford family.

The Gye family owned land in Ilsington where Radford Maverick became rector, and Robert Gye gave a large sum of money to him to raise Gye's daughter Mary. Hunt reported that Radford Maverick gave Mary in marriage to "his german-cousin" John Maverick.

Hunt claimed that in the 16th and 17th centuries that "cousin-german" meant "first cousin". However, in a codicil to his 1622 will, Radford Maverick referred to "Radford my brother John Mauericke's son" as his cousin. So Radford referred to his nephew as "cousin". In addition, the nephew Radford mentioned in the will was a true "cousin-german" to the John Maverick who married Mary Gye.

On August 30, 1615 John Maverick was inducted to the rectory of St. Albans, Beaworthy in North Devon County. He resigned that post on December 4, 1629 and, according to The English Origins of the "Mary & John" Passengers, the family resided near Honiton until their immigration. On March 24, 1629/30 John was chosen a teacher of the puritan church at Plymouth, England.

John, Mary, and their children (Elias, Mary, Moses, Aaron, Abigail, Antipas, and Margaret) emigrated to New England on board the "Mary & John" on March 20, 1629/30 from Plymouth, England. Their son Samuel had already emigrated to New England.

In his "Some Passengers of the 'Mary and John' in 1630," John Hunt related that the early settlers from Dorchester "included two unlike clerics, John Warham, a nonconformist, and John Maverick, a conformist." While many of the group came from Exeter, Maverick "lived forty miles off" at the time. But along with Warham, he became the religious leader of the group.

According to The Founding of Harvard College, the Mavericks were with the group containing John Warham and other West Countrymen who settled Dorchester, Massachusetts. While at Dorchester; along with Warham, Gaylord, and Rockwell; John signed early orders for distribution of land.

There was evidence that John had been intending to remove to Connecticut when he died suddenly at Dorchester on February 3, 1635/6. Winthrop wrote that John was a "man of very humbel spirit, and faith full in furthering the work of the Lord her, both in the church and civil state."

His wife Mary was found to be living with her son Samuel in 1665. Furthermore, Samuel sent his mother's regards in a 1666 letter to Sir William Morrice.

John's son Elias Maverick and his wife resided first in Chelsea and then in Charlestown, Massachusetts, where he joined the church. John's daughter Mary married Rev. James Parker of Weymouth and moved to Portsmouth, New Hampshire and, before James' death, to Barbadoes. Abigail married John Manning of Boston and removed to Charlestown, Massachusetts. Antipas was a merchant on the Isles of Shoals and then removed to Kittery, Maine and finally, to Exeter, New Hampshire.

John's son Moses Maverick first married Remember Allerton who emigrated to New England aboard the "Mayflower" in 1620. His second wife was Eunice Roberts, a widow. After leaving Dorchester, Moses removed to Salem where he became a freeman on September 3, 1634. The next year he was at Marblehead, Massachusetts and was there for most of the rest of his life. He served on the Grand Jury in 1645 and 1649. In 1645 Moses Maverick and David Carwethan acted as attorneys for William Walton, John Peck, and other Marblehead residents in a trespassing court case against Phillip Alke, Thomas Dyer, and Christopher Rogers. In 1647, Moses sued John Legg and his wife Elizabeth for defamation of character. And then in 1636, he rented Noodles Island from the General Court and was in charge of it while his brother Samuel was in Virginia. But by 1650 he was back purchasing land in Marblehead.

His informal will, with no signature or witness, was presented by his second wife Eunice at Ipswich on March 30, 1686. He remembered his wife and four daughters - Elizabeth Skinner, Remember Woodman, Mary Ferguson, and Sara Rosman. He also referred to Moses Hawks, the child of his deceased daughter Rebecca; and to Samuel Ward, Abigail Hinds, Mary Dollabar, and Martha Ward, the children of his deceased daughter Abigail. His children objected and it was held over until the next court term. The will was administered on July 15, 1684, docket number 1472. The will may not have been accepted, but Eunice was made administratrix of the estate. Edward Woodman, husband of Remember, petitioned the court three times demanding an accounting of Moses' estate. The final settlement of the estate wasn't made until November 29, 1698.

According to The English Origins of the "Mary & John" Passengers, the motivation of John's probable son Samuel for emigrating to the New World was not religious. He was an Anglican who emigrated long before his parents and in his "Briefe Description of New England" he wrote about his observations upon his arrival in 1624. In 1625 he fortified a house at Winnissimet (Chelsea) "with a Pillizado and fflankers and gunnes." Hart, in Commonwealth History of Massachusetts, reported that in 1627, only blacksmith Thomas Waldorf / Wolford at Charlestown, "prelatist" Samuel Maverick at Noodles Island, recluse clergyman William Blackstone at Boston, and the small group at Cape Ann lived between Plymouth Colony and New Hampshire.

So Anglican Samuel Maverick was already established when Winthrop's Fleet arrived in 1630. On June 17, 1630, Winthrop recorded in his journal his first contact with "Mr. Maverick."

The Puritans had arrived too late in the season to plant enough to survive and Endicott's group had little to spare. So Samuel helped keep many of the new settlers from starving during that first winter. Then, when small pox attacked the Indians in 1633, Samuel cared for them.

Massachusetts Bay: The Crucial Decade, 1640-1650 claimed Samuel became a freeman in May, 1631, before church membership became a qualification. However, French claimed he did not become a freeman until October 2, 1632. He was listed in Volume 1, page 74 of Colonial Records, as the lone person to take the oath on October 2, 1632. On May 18, 1631, a John "Mavericke" had taken the oath. Then in April, 1633, claimed Samuel may have received a grant of Noodles Island. However, Hard had reported Samuel was living on Noodles Island as early as 1627.

He married Amias, the daughter of William Cole, a shipwright from Plymouth; and the widow of David Thompson, an apothecary. Amias had first married Thompson in St. Andrew's Church, Plymouth, Devon County, England. According to Elizabeth French, Thompson went to Piscataqua in 1623 and to an island in Boston Harbor later known as Thompson Island in 1626. He died there in 1628.

In the 1674 book An Account of Two Voyages to New England, John Josselyn wrote that on July 10, 1638 he "went a shore upon Noddles island to Mr. Samuel Maverick the only hospitable man in all the Countrey, giving entertainment to all Comer grate's." He stayed with Samuel for several days before starting out towards Maine. Then from September 30 into October, 1639, Josselyn was again entertained by Maverick.

In 1632 a Mr. Pynchon (probably William Pynchon) paid Samuel Maverick a month's wages. In April, 1633, the Court of Assistants recognized Samuel's ownership of "Noddles Island upon payment of a quitrent of 'either a fatt weather a fatt hogg or eleven shillings'." On Noodles Island he operated fishing, trade, and farming businesses. Darrett Rutman described the farm as having a "mansion house, millhouse and mill, bakehouse . . . outhouses barnes staples." Then in 1634, a committee was set-up to divide Maverick's Noodles Island grant among the people. Each adult mail received two acres and each youth one acre. However, Samuel appeared to have stayed on his Noodles Island farm.

In addition to his land on Noodles Island, Samuel had numerous grants of land from Massachusetts to Maine. In 1635 he spent nearly a year in Virginia.

Samuel Maverick was admittedly, an oddity. In addition to helping the natives, he was an early slave holder and was fined heavily for sheltering suspected adulterers who had escaped from prison. In fact, according to Rutman, one of Maverick's three slaves claimed to be "a Queen in her own Countrey."

As a member of the Church of England and a supporter of the King of England, Samuel was not the most popular settler in Massachusetts and was in constant opposition with the government.

In 1647, Massachusetts was no democracy. Samuel, along with a number of other prominent men sent a petition to the General Court protesting the lack of civil liberties. The petition signers were fined for maligning the government, for slandering the church, and, later, for conspiring against Massachusetts Bay Colony.

Samuel returned to England complaining bitterly. While there, he wrote to the King that he had lost all of his civil and religious liberties and warned the King that there were thousands of his subjects in the same situation.

However, in 1664 Samuel Maverick returned to Massachusetts as one of Charles II's four royal commissioners; along with Nicolls, Cartwright, and Carr; to settle affairs in New England and to rid the New Netherlands of the Dutch. They were to make the citizens accept changes in the charters and to place their militia under authority of the crown. The commissioners were sent because the King had heard the Puritan governments had been trampling on the rights of non-Puritans and had not been properly supportive of the crown. The commissioners were to be champions of the English and Indians. By strengthening the rights of the English in New England, it was hoped the commissioners would strengthen the King's support. In The Invasion of America, the commissioners' arrival was called "a new era." Although they were "but four persons without any of the paraphernalia of power except the royal seall . . . they spoke and acted with the confidence of men who can summon power in need."

The arrival of the commissioners and their mission was to be a surprise. But Maverick couldn't wait. As soon as he arrived in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, a few days before their arrival in Boston, Samuel Maverick dashed off a note to Captain Breedon in Boston. Maverick instructed Breedon to go to the governor and tell him what was in store for the colonists. Maverick had been in the New World before any of them and, simply because he was different, he had been forced to move, was fined, and was finally imprisoned. Suddenly he was the man in charge and he felt the need to gloat. So by the time the commissioners arrived in Boston, word had spread, and Endicott and his people were ready for them.

Some colonists quibbled, some evaded, and some pretended to be loyal in an attempt to deceive the commissioners. But few cooperated with the commissioners. When Samuel proposed eight changes in civil and religious law, Massachusetts refused to accept any of them. Eventually, the commissioners gave up.

Unsuccessful in Massachusetts, Samuel Maverick finally settled in New York after the Dutch had left. He was accorded a house there as a reward for his fidelity to the King.

Judy Jacobson, Massachusetts Bay Connections

The Mavericks of Devonshire and Massachusetts

In 1630 the Revd. John Maverick quitted the West of England, and adventured across the ocean to become one of the earliest founders of Massachusetts.

The Mavericks were of that yeoman stock which has always been the back-bone of England; those "plain Folk" of whom it has been said:—
"Though kings may boast and knights cavort
We broke the spears at Agincourt,
Never a field was starkly won
But ours the dead that faced the sun."
The name occurs in various forms as Mavericke, Mauerricke, Madericke, Mathericke, and Maverick. The last spelling, now adopted by the family, has been used throughout these pages except where it otherwise occurs in extracts or quotations.

Whence the name is derived can be merely a matter of conjecture. It has been suggested that it is a form of Maurice. No connection is, however, traceable between the Morrices of the West Country and the Mavericks.

Whatever may be its source the name, or term, of Maverick has found a permanent place in the English language, and that in a somewhat remarkable manner.

About the year 1840 Samuel Maverick, a descendant of the Mavericks of Devon and Massachusetts, then settled on a ranch in Texas, was notorious among his neighbours for not branding his cattle. A calf or yearling found without a brand was sure to be Maverick's, and such cattle are known as "mavericks" at the present day. By a further development a masterless man was called a maverick. The word has found its way into literature; Rudyard Kipling tells the story of "The Mutiny of the Mavericks," that Irish regiment "of loyal musketeers, commonly known as the Mavericks, because they were masterless and unbranded cattle." [See "Life's Handicap."]

During the sixteenth century the family was established in East Devon, but it is very possible that they drifted up from the more western parts of the county. There are traditions of a Maverick having got into trouble at Tavistock during the 14th or 15th century, when somebody's head got broken; not at all an unlikely incident, but no documentary evidence exists to prove it, and the name does not occur in any known records of the town.

Whatever may have been the circumstances which took them there, the Mavericks were settled early in the 16th century at Awliscombe, a village in East Devon, two or three miles from the old market town of Honiton.

The name of the village occurs as Aulescombe, Olescombe, Ewelscombe, with other variants. It lies in a valley north west of Honiton, on the other side of the river Otter, here crossed by a bridge at the end of the town.

Awliscombe still remains a typical English village, with clusters of low cottages, many of them thatched, and each fronted with a gay garden. The ancient grey church dominates them from a slight rise, so that the tower is the first point visible on approaching the village.

In pre-reformation times part of the manor, and the advowson of the church, belonged to Dunkeswell Abbey, situated not far off. These at the dissolution of the monasteries were granted to the Russells, Earls of Bedford. Another part of the manor was given the 15th century to the Mayor and Chamber of Exeter as the endowment of a charitable bequest made by Thomas Calwodley of the City of Exeter.

ROBERT MAVERICK of Awliscombe is the first member of the family of whom there are any definite records. [His parents were Alexander Maverick, born 27 September 1497, Awliscombe, Devonshire, and Judith Combe, born c1500, Awliscombe; married 1520, Awliscombe.] He was born in the early 16th century [14 February 1523], most likely in pre-reformation times; the entry of his burial on November 14, 1573, in the Parish Register at Awliscombe describes him as "Robert Maierwick clerk."

At that period a "clerk in orders" did not necessarily imply Holy Orders. There were minor orders which a man could take without the priestly vow of celibacy. Such minor orders entitled him to be styled a clerk in orders, and he could "plead his clergy" or clerkship, as an exemption from capital punishment, if he fell into the clutches of the law.

The name of Maverick does not occur among the tenants of Awliscombe on the property which belonged to the Mayor and Chamber of Exeter. Robert may have held some position under the Abbot and Convent of Dunkeswell for the management of their lands in the parish.

He never was Vicar of Awliscombe. In 1554 the benefice was vacant, and Robert Slade was admitted Vicar on the presentation of John Russell, Earl of Bedford. The next incumbent, whose name is given without date of institution, was Richard Bacon, on whose resignation Peter Maverick, Robert's eldest son was instituted in 1580.

The Parish Register of Awliscombe does not begin until 1559, thus no entry of the marriage of Robert nor the baptisms of his elder children are on record. These were Peter the eldest son, John, Edward, and Alice. Alexander Maverick, whose name occurs later in the register, was perhaps another son. The actual name of the family first occurs in 1560 when Radford Maverick, probably the fifth son and sixth child was baptised.

RADFORD MAVERICK. From the biographers point of view Radford, the fourth, or fifth son of Robert Maverick is one of the most important members of the family. Although not a direct ancestor of the Mavericks of Massachusetts their history owes much to his personality.

His baptism at Awliscombe is the first mention of the Mavericks in parish registers:—
1560, June 5. Radford Mauericke the son of Robert Mauericke baptized.
Radford, as already mentioned, was a sixth child, with four or five brothers his seniors.

There is nothing to show how Radford acquired his Christian name, no family of Radfords resided in the neighbourhood, but there were other "Radfords" among the Honiton children. There must have been a Radford of local importance who was godfather to them all. Radford Maverick himself had a godson Radford, the son of his brother John.

The family prosperity seems to have increased as the young Radford Maverick grew up. Neither his father nor his elder brother had been at College, but after Robert Maverick's death in 1573 (Radford being then aged thirteen), he matriculated at Exeter College, Oxford, November 17th, 1581, when he was twenty years of age [Foster's Alumni Oxonienses]. He left College without a degree, and in 1583 took Holy Orders, being ordained by John Woolton, Bishop of Exeter, in the private chapel at the Bishop's Palace, receiving deacon's orders on June 1st, and was ordained priest on the 15th of the same month.

For three years there is no record of his career. Then he was instituted rector of Trusham, June 12th, 1586, on the presentation of Thomas Southcote.

The friendship with the Southcotes was close and intimate; Dowsabelle, or Dulcibella Southcote was his god-daughter. In his will he left her 10s. "to be put into a gold ring" and in the codicil he specially desired that this legacy should be paid even if other bequests were set aside for lack of money to settle them.

An elder sister, Mary Southcote, had married Thomas Ridgeway, bringing Radford Maverick into friendly relations with the Ridgeways of Torre-Mohun, better known nowadays as Torre and Torquay.

The church and village of Trusham stand on a lofty eminence above the beautiful valley of the Teign, between Exeter and Chudléigh. The old rectory still exists. Some years ago it had degenerated into two cottages, but has recently been restored to its dignity as a dwelling house, and retains evidence of its antiquity. The church preserves some Norman features of the 11th century. Its most recent addition has been a carved oak screen set across the tower arch. On this are placed the names of the rectors of Trusham from 1260 to the present day, and among them appears Radford Maverick who was rector from 1586 to 1616.

After being rector of Trusham for ten years Radford was presented to the vicarage of Ilsington by Thomas Ford of Bagtor and Henry his son, who were patrons for that turn [pro hac vice] he was instituted July 1st, 1597.

The large parish of Ilsington covers an extent of 25 square miles. The old granite church, dedicated to St. Michael, displays the fine 15th century characteristics prevalent on the borders of Dartmoor.

The most famous feature of the place, Haytor Rock, dominates the moor above the village, a land mark for miles round every part of the county. This magnificent granite rock is perhaps the finest of those Tors which are the distinguishing character of the great moorland centre of Devon. Nowadays Haytor is one of the most popular playgrounds for holiday makers; in Radford Maverick's time it was like the rest of the moor worked for tin streaming. Radford evidently did a little mining speculation on his own account. He left in his will "to Mr. Warren, Vicar of Ilsington, my freeholde in a tynne work called the Sanctuary, and his successors for ever." The name of Sanctuary suggests that the "tynne work" may have been adjacent to the glebe. The present Vicar of Ilsington still has the glebe land known as Sanctuary, but no tin mine. The tin work must have been Radford's freehold as he would not have left the church lands to his successor.

He held these two livings of Trusham and Ilsington together until 1616, when he resigned Trusham, his successor being instituted August 17th that same year.

The date is significant for on September 15th, 1616, he was in London and preached at Paul's Cross a sermon on "The Practice of Repentance."

It is worth while briefly to consider some points in Radford Maverick's sermon, as throwing light on the religious opinions of the family, indicating the Puritanical tendencies which eventually induced his nephew John Maverick, to seek for freedom of conscience in the New World.

The sermon is strongly impregnated with the doctrine of pre-destination. The preacher exemplifies the preservation for Divine purposes not only of Scripture characters, but also Constantine the Great Luther, Queen Elizabeth spared through the reign of her sister Mary, and James the First escaping Gunpowder Plot. He wrote:
No man cometh into the world by chance, but for some end and purpose, God doth sett every one his task, alloting some special duty to every one of his servants, whereunto he ought specially to attend.
The Preacher shewed his erudition by quoting St. Augustine and Thomas Aquinas in the original Latin. Here and there he introduced a Hebrew word, and a little Greek. As may be expected there are several allusions to "our enemies the papists."

Radford Maverick remained in "his poor house at Ilsington," the vicarage there, until 1621, when he resigned the living and came to Exeter. His name occurs as "Master Radford Maverick" as minister or curate of All Hallows, Goldsmith Street, Exeter, in 1622. William Sheers was then rector.

Radford must have been residing in Exeter for some little time before he resigned Ilsington; for his wife pre-deceased him and was buried in St. Mary Major's church there. In his will he describes himself as "minister and preacher in the cittie of Exeter." No record of his marriage, or of his wife's maiden name has been found; she probably was Audrey Rackley.

PETER MAVERICK. The direct ancestor of the Mavericks of Massachusetts was the eldest son of Robert Maverick, probably born at Awliscombe before the commencement of the earliest existing parish register of 1559. If, as is most likely, he was about two and twenty when he took Holy Orders, he would have been born about 1550.

The earliest record that we have of him is his ordination by Bishop Woolton in the private chapel of the Bishop's Palace at Exeter, where he was ordained deacon on January 15th, 1573-4, and priest on the 16th of March following.

In the Bishop's register his name occurs as "Petrus Bull als Maverick." [His mother was Willemotte Bull, born 26 May 1526, Awliscombe, married 1548, Awliscombe.]

He married at Awliscombe on November 7, 1577, the register recording that on this day the marriage of Peter Maverick Clerk and Dorothie Tucke [born 1559].

The Tuckes appear to have been amongst the most important parishioners of Awliscombe. They were tenants of that part of the parish which belonged to the Mayor and Chamber of Exeter.

From the Bailiffs' accounts, preserved in Exeter Guildhall, we find that in 1588 Robert Tucke paid rent for the Barton of Awliscombe. In 1600 John Tucke is recorded as holding one tenement there "being the capitull house." This Barton, or Capitull House, would have been the manor house. Dorothie Tucke was most likely the daughter of Robert Tucke, her father's name is not given in the register. She had a sister married to "one Jeffery Granow." This marriage is not in the Awliscombe register, but, as we shall presently see, Granow proved an unpleasant thorn in Peter Maverick's side.

As he was at the time of his marriage a clerk in holy orders, Peter may then have been serving as curate at Awliscombe. The vicar was Richard Bacon.

Ecclesiastical affairs were then in a very fluctuating condition. The older men, ordained in pre-reformation times, were dying out. Many of them had adjusted their consciences to new opinions, and retained their livings through all changes of ceremonial. Parishes like Awliscombe, which had belonged to the monasteries were now in lay patronage. The patrons frequently regarded the advowson as property which could be "farmed out"; or temporarily handed over for a money payment to some individual who had a relation or protege he wished to patronize. It was often difficult to find "fit persons to serve in the sacred ministry of the church" (as the Book of Common Prayer words it), sometimes the individual was so unfit that he was speedily deprived, and the Crown, in the person of Queen Elizabeth, intervened and presented someone else.

In 1580 Richard Bacon resigned the living of Awliscombe, and Peter Maverick als Bull was instituted on November 3rd of that year on the presentation of John Cole, clerk, patron "for this turn, by reason of an assignment made to him to John Woolton, Bishop of Exeter, who had a grant of the advowson from Francis, Earl of Bedford true patron of the living." This is a typical example of how ecclesiastical affairs were then managed. The Earls of Bedford, to whom the property belonging to Dunkeswell Abbey had been given, granted the advowson of Awliscombe to the Bishop of Exeter. He, in his turn, assigned the patronage of the vacant benefice to John Cole, who for some reason wished to present Peter Maverick to the living.

The pretty rural village of Awliscombe has already been described. A few notes on the church where Peter Maverick ministered from 1580 to 1616 may not be amiss. Thirteen vicars had preceded him; the first known being Lawrence de Sanford admitted in 1287, "on the presentation of the Abbot and convent of Dunkeswell."

In common with other Devonshire churches few architectural features remain that are older than the 14th or 15th century.

Towards the end of the 15th or early in the 16th century the building received considerable additions. Thomas Chard, last Abbot of Ford, one of the most prominent ecclesiastics in Devon of his time, was born at Awliscombe, and wished to erect some memorial that would commemorate him in his native parish. With the consent, doubtless readily granted of the Abbot of Dunkeswell, he built, or re-decorated, the south transept adding near it a magnificent porch, rendering the church of St. Michael, Awliscombe, one of the finest churches in East Devon. Inside it has retained a good stone screen. In the north-east window some ancient glass is preserved where the figures of St. Helena, St. Katharine, St. Mary Magdalene, and St. Barbara may be recognized.

In the ancient font, a fine example of 15th century perpendicular style, John the eldest child of Peter Maverick, was baptized October 28th, 1578. The surviving children were John, Nathaniel and Elizabeth.

What the original cause of the dispute may have been is difficult to ascertain; it was probably a question of money, or a debt; but about 1586 Jeffery Granow (or Granowe) was detained in the Sheriffs ward of Devon "at the suit of one Maverick, his brother-in-law."

It is worth noting that at this period, except for debtors or political offenders, imprisonment was not a punishment, but merely a detention of the individual until he could be brought before the Justices for trial; the trial being often indefinitely postponed in spite of every effort made by the prisoner to obtain a hearing. Prison life at that time has been described as "nasty, brutish, and short," the last because the incarcerated wretch too often obtained "gaol delivery" by the hand of death before his case was tried. The Governor of the Gaol paid a sum of money to the Crown for his office, and maintained the prison as an expensive boarding house. The well-to-do could procure fire, light, bedding and food at an extortionate rate, every official from the Governor to the gaolers demanding exhorbitant fees.

The wards, or prisons, of Devon and Exeter were at that time notorious for their vile conditions, and it is not surprising that Granow availed himself of every possible means of release. Wherefore he:—"falsely accused Peter Maverick preacher of diverse fowle and lewd matters" which resulted in the Justices "sending for the said Granow out of the said ward," for examination. The affair dragged on till 1590-1591, Granow contriving that his information should reach Queen Elizabeth's Privy Council. Letters were then directed to "certaine Justices of the Peace in the County of Devon, who again examined the matter" and made report on the same and of their opinions of the good disposition of Mavericke, a Learned Preacher, and of the evell life and conversation of Granowe."

Further examinations followed before Gervase Babington, then Bishop of Exeter, but later mentioned in the report of the Privy Council as "now Bishop of Worcester." Babington was Bishop of Exeter 1595-1597, the dates shewing how this litigation dragged on. The Mayor of Exeter also took part in the enquiries, and declared "he could find no credit in the accusation and the accused was greatly wronged."

An order was then given for the discharge of Maverick; he seems to have been obliged to attend personally before the Privy Council and to have been detained in some sort of custody during the enquiry.

Granow, however, made another effort, "being still a prisoner in Exeter." He was sent before the Lord Chief Justice, "but was able to say nothing, whereupon his Lordship would have sent him back again, but by entreaty he was committed to the King's Bench. Any place of detention was better than Exeter.

The report concludes:—"Emongst the examinations taken there divers matters concerning the lewd behaviour of Granow, and the grounds of this mallice, Mavericke and he having married twoe sisters."

Apparently the examiners regarded the family connection as acountable for anything.

The final report is endorsed "concerning Jeffery Granow, 1597." So this quarrel, with the legal enquiries arising out of it, lasted ten years.

From the conditions of ecclesiastical affairs at that period it is possible that Granow's accusations dealt with the religious opinions and practises of Maverick. "Fowle and lewd matters" do not sound to modern ears like complaints of false doctrines, or neglect of religious ceremonials. In the 17th century, however, these were regarded as crimes of the "fowlest" character and the term lewd is applied to unlawfulness in clerical matters (Johnson gives lewd as wicked, lustful, unclerical.)

The probability that the accusations were of this character is strengthened by the examination before the Bishop, and the circumstance that Peter Maverick had to attend personally to answer for his conduct before the Privy Council.

In his charge before the Bishop and Mayor in 1591 Granow was associated with Andrew Holmer, "a verie lewd person." The reports of these bygone enquiries are very wordy and full of repetitions, yet so vague that it is difficult to determine what really passed between accuser and accused, or the actual doings of the legal courts. Nevertheless they are of value in throwing light on family history.

Andrew Holmer, for instance, "exhibited divers complaints against Peter Masvericke, Vicar of Olescombe." The identification of the name as Awliscombe is written on the document in a later hand, affording a clue for tracing the earliest records of the family. It is also gratifying to read the opinions of those important people the Mayor and Bishop of Exeter, who asserted that Peter Maverick was a man well accounted for in his profession and honest conversation.

From the documentary evidence at our disposal Peter seems to have been of a disputatious disposition, and prone to law-suits. This may have rendered him unpopular, however grateful the biographer may be for the information afforded in the history of the Mavericks.

He appears in 1612 as plaintiff in a suit against William Champeneys of Yarnscombe in North Devon, concerning the lease of a messuage and land in Awliscombe. These Mr. Champeney in 1609 was willing to lease as was then the custom, to Mr. Maverick for 99 years on three lives, Maverick undertaking to pay £40 as earnest money on the lease.

After this was paid William Champeneys demanded a larger sum, "having intelligence that more money might be gotten for the said messuage."

The dispute is not particularly interesting but the terms of the lease are of the greatest importance in the history of the family.

Leases were then, and for long afterwards granted on "lives." That is to say three individuals, seldom more, rarely fewer, were named during whose lifetime the property was to be held by the lessee and his successors. Our ancestors were stay-at-home folk; a man took it for granted that he, his sons, and grandsons would be willing to reside on the lease-hold property for the entire period of 99 years, while the man who thus leased the estate did not really alienate it from his family possessions by an actual sale. If one of the lives fell in by decease, it was usually replaced by another but there was always an endeavour, when the lease was taken out to insert the names of children, or very young people, who were likely to survive, if not 99 years, at least for a considerable part of them, and who would later on renew the agreement with other young lives to succeed them. Estates in England have sometimes been held by the same families for extensive periods through this custom of lease on lives.

Peter Maverick named as the three lives on his lease his second son Nathaniel, not then thirty years old, and his two grandsons Samuel and Elias, particularly described as "two of the sons of John Maverick, son, of the said Peter."

John Maverick had been married at Ilsington in 1600, when his uncle Radford was vicar, so these two boys, who had an elder brother, could not have been more than ten years old when their names were put on the lease.

In 1601 Peter Maverick drew up a return of the "Vicarage of Awliscombe," detailing the name of the patron, and the extent of the glebe lands. He mentions that there was a "house and curtilages (courtyards), two herb gardens, and little orchards," and adds that when he came there he found "no implements in the house but the screens," these being the removable partitions that divided one room from another.

A new Terrier, or parochial record, was written by him in 1613 in which he mentions that he had built a new vicarage at his "own proper costs and charges."

This old vicarage stood in the hollow below the church, particulars of the house are given in a later Terrier of 1728.

"The vicarage house is built of mud with earthen walls covered with thatch; containing four chambers kitchen, parlour and hall, and four small ground rooms floored with earth but not ceiled, consisting of two bays of building, built with mud walls and covered with thatch. The barn and stable adjoining consist of about two bays of building of mud walls covered with thatch."

This vicarage was surrounded by about half an acre of walled garden, with an orchard bounded by a hedge. The site of the old house can be traced at the bottom of the present garden. Only the well remains, deprived of all picturesquesness by being supplied with a modern pump.

Here Peter Maverick would have passed his days in the busy life of the country clergyman of the 17th century. Interested in farming his glebe, enjoying his garden, and sharing in the village pastimes, the Revel, Christmas games, and Harvest Home. At that period the parish priest was the link in local government that united church and state; friend alike to squire and cottager, to whom all appealed for the settlement of disputes or redress of grievances, and the parish church was the centre not only of the spiritual, but the parochial life of the little commmunity.

Home life in the new vicarage would have been very simple. Baking, brewing, and all domestic work was done at home, and Mrs. Maverick was, we may be sure, fully occupied in providing comfort for the family, besides little luxuries distributed to the sick and poor of the parish. Those gardens and orchards so carefully detailed in the Terriers, helped to render the family self supporting. Chairs were a luxury for old people, young folk sat on stools, or benches. The tables were boards set on tressells, removable when not required. Books were few. Among the most valuable household goods were the brass pans and crocks, so frequently mentioned in wills of that time.

On February 3rd, 1616, John Hassarde was instituted into the vicarage of Awliscombe, the benefice being void "per necem Petri Mavericke."

This ominous term "per necem" "by violent death" [Nex-necem, a "violent death" as distinct from natural mortality "per mortem" the term that usually occurs in the Registers of the Bishops of Exeter. It has been suggested that the scrivener on this occasion used an unusual term from mere pedantry, but the word is rare and seems to have been deliberately written.] shadows the close of Peter Maverick's life with mystery. So far nothing has come to light to reveal what occasioned the violent death of this Vicar whose Bishop declared that he was of virtuous life and honest conversation [behaviour]. No record of his death occurs in the parish register of Awliscombe.

Had he, in spite of the Bishop's commendation, fallen under the harshness of the ecclesiastical laws, as did so many of the Puritan clergy of the time, the circumstance would have been fully recorded among the many accounts of the 17th century persecutions of the non-conformists.

Did the exasperated Granow contrive the violent death of his brother-in-law?

Peter Maverick's name is conspicuously missing from the will of Radford Maverick. He left legacies to "John, son of my eldest brother" but does not mention that brother's name, though there were two, if not three brothers his seniors, sons of Robert Maverick. Peter left no will, for that ommission the circumstances of his death would be accountable. Wills were then usually made during the last few months of the testator's life, if not on his death-bed. A sudden violent death left a man intestate.

Nor does there seem to have been any grant for an administration of his goods applied for by his heirs.

Only in the Register of Bishop Valentine Cary, by the use of an unusual Latin term, is there any hint given how the honest life and conversation of Peter Maverick met with its tragic end.

NATHANIEL MAVERICK. Before proceeding to record the more important members of the family, it will be worth while to set down such brief facts as are known about Nathaniel, the second son of Peter Maverick, whose baptism is entered in the parish registers of Awliscombe on June 24, 1583, "Nathaniel, son of Peter Maverick clearke."

His was the first of the three lives set upon the lease of land at Awliscombe between William Champeneys and Peter Maverick. He was then, in 1609, aged 23. We next meet with him in his 39th year when he was mentioned in Radford Maverick's will [1622] in which he left "to my cosen Nathaniel Maverick my eldest brother's son tenn shillings to be put into a gold ring."

Nathaniel appears to have followed the legal profession, and left Devon for London, where eventually he had a good appointment as head clerk to the town clerk of the City of London.

In the spring of 1630, John, Nathaniel's elder brother, had sailed for New England. Doubtless Nathaniel felt no inclination to resign his excellent appointment in London for precarious adventures across the ocean. It was however destined that neither through the church nor the law should the Mavericks acquire distinction in the land of their birth.

He must have impressed some kindly recollections on the memory of his nephew, Samuel Maverick of Massachusetts, for he named his eldest son, born about 1629, or 1630, Nathaniel. This Nathaniel went to the Barbadoes, where he died in 1670. His father Samuel was still living, and is mentioned in his will. He left three sons, minors, one of these was also Nathaniel, later recorded as Nathaniel Maverick of St. Michael's Parish, Barbadoes. He died in 1700, leaving a young son, another Nathaniel. The will of yet another Nathaniel Maverick of St. Peter's parish is dated 1710. Thus did the Mavericks of the western continent preserve the name of their distant kinsman Nathaniel Mavericke of [St. Lawrence] Old Jewry, London, born in 1583 at Awliscombe, Devon.

JOHN MAVERICK. When, on October 28th, 1578, Peter Maverick baptized his first-born child, a son, in the fine old 15th century font at Awliscombe, and named him John, he must have felt some of those aspirations and hopes concerning the boy's future which would occur to any serious minded parent at such a time.

The Mavericks were prosperous. The Tuckes, John's grandparents, were amongst some of the most important people in the parish of Awliscombe. Hopes of further social advancement for his son must have passed through Peter's thoughts if he ventured to look forward.

But never we may feel sure, when he dedicated that little swaddled infant, in the old words of the Second Prayer Book of Edward the Sixth, to be "Christ's faythfull souldier and seruant unto his lyves end," did he think of that life attaining its ripe fullness in the New World, not long discovered by West Country adventurers; vaguely described in Devon's seaports by weather-beaten mariners, whose tales were only half credited, or told as marvels on winter evenings round the fire on the open hearth.

Peter Maverick had no University degree. That omission was rectified in the education of his son. There are indications that the Mavericks were in better circumstances after the death of Robert Maverick in 1573. Peter married, and married well, in 1577. Radford matriculated at Exeter College, Oxford, in 1581. He was Rector of Trusham in 1586, and may have given some assistance to his nephew when John followed his uncle's footsteps to the same College in 1595. [Mavericke, John, of Devon, cler., fil. Exeter College, Matriculated 24 Oct., 1595, aged 18; B.A. 8 July, 1599; M.A. 7 July, 1603, then in orders. Rector of Beaworthy, Devon, 1615.—Foster's Alumni Oxonienses.] Two years later he took Holy Orders, being ordained in the private chapel of the Bishop's Palace in Exeter by Bishop Babington, receiving deacon's and priest's orders on the same day, July 29, 1597. He is entered in the Bishop's register as a "literate" as he did not take his degree until 1599. In 1599 he took his B.A. and his Masters degree in 1603, when he is recorded as being then in orders.

Not only was he an ordained minister, but he was also a married man. On October 28th, 1600 (the anniversary of his baptism twenty years previously), he was married at Ilsington to Mary Gye of that parish. It may be inferred that Radford Maverick performed the ceremony. The marriage is entered in the parish registers of Ilsington, and it is there, or at Trusham, that we should have expected to find entries of the baptism of his sons.

John was probably serving as his uncle's curate, having taken orders soon after his matriculation on purpose to assist him; for nothing is recorded of his clerical work until 1615, when on the death of John Norreys he was instituted to the rectory of Beaworthy in North Devon, on the presentation of Arthur Arscott of Ashwater.

Radford resigned Trusham in 1616, most likely he found two parishes, some distance apart, too much for ministration without his nephew's help.

Neither at Ilsington, nor at Trusham is there any entry in the parish register of the baptism of John Maverick's sons. At Ilsington the name of Maverick only occurs in the one record of John's marriage; at Trusham it does not occur at all. It is just between the years 1601-1609, that we should expect to find it.

A conjectural explanation can be given to account for the omission of their baptism in the registers. It is only offered as a plausible suggestion, liable to be contradicted by the discovery of the entries elsewhere. John may have baptized his sons privately at home, and never completed the office by the ceremony of receiving the children into Church, as appointed in the Prayer Book service. This latter part of the rite of baptism entailed using the sign of the Cross. The church insisted on it, the Puritans objected, it was Popish, superstitious, superfluous, and was one of the fiercest points of controversy between the Bishops and the Non-conformists.

Thus it would appear that John Maverick had conscientious objections—to use a modern formula. Also John did not want to get into difficulties over ritual at a period when conscientious objectors were apt to be treated with short shrift and a long rope; so he christened his babies at home, and omitted, possibly through forgetfulness, to enter their names in the parish register. At that period the names of those baptized, married or buried were jotted down on loose bits of paper, and later on entered into the registers, when the parson, or parish clerk had leisure to do it, with the result that omissions were not infrequent.

Beaworthy where John Maverick was instituted Rector, August 30th, 1615, lies on the north west of Devon, a little distance from the borders of Dartmoor. It is remote and little known at the present day, its conditions in the early years of the 17th century are past imagining. As a residence for a man of scholarly tastes, such as John Maverick seems to have possessed, it must have been exile indeed. All that can be said is that a minister who resided there fourteen years would have been able to adapt himself far more easily to life in the recently founded settlements of New England, than many of his clerical brethren.

The church is very small, and, though it exhibits a few features of Norman work, it is neither dignified nor interesting. The dedication is to St. Alban, which is rather remarkable, for there is little to associate the proto-martyr of England with Devon. The one local event was an annual fair on July 25th, of which the principal feature was a race of old women for a greased pig. This fair, with or without the pig, survived until recent years; early in the 17th century, when John Maverick was rector, we may feel sure it was celebrated with all the merriment characteristic of the good old times.

John Maverick's life is so definitely divided into two parts, that it is worth while to pause here, and briefly explain the ecclesiastical conditions of the period, which drove him, and so many more of the clergy out of the land of their birth to the new world across the sea.

All through the reign of Elizabeth there had been a party in the reformed church, who did not consider that church sufficiently reformed. They demanded a more complete rejection of rites and ceremonies, a "purifying" as they expressed it, from certain doctrines, superstitions, ceremonials, and formal expressions of reverence. It is difficult to see, had their demands been complied with, what would have been left. The Elizabethan bishops made a firm stand. Possibly they over-did their firmness, for drastic pains and penalties, in the form of fines, excommunication (then a really weighty punishment) and imprisonments, were imposed upon these "Puritans" nor were spies and informers lacking who reported the behaviour of their ministers especially if the minister happened to be unpopular in his parish.

In 1603 Whitgift, Archbishop of Canterbury, drew up a number of canons, or rules for the church, and required them to be read aloud in every church in the kingdom, the clergy also signing assent to them. Many ministers throughout the country refused to sign. The number of these "dissenters" in Devon and Cornwall was fifty-one. Not a large percentage in the extensive Diocese of Exeter, where Devon alone had some five hundred parishes. But in 1607 the ministers of the Exeter Diocese further emphasized their position by publishing a treatise defending their opinions, and concluding with the statement that:—"the weight of episcopal power may oppress us, but cannot convince us."

By this time both Queen Elizabeth and Archbishop Whitgift had died. Ecclesiastical matters had been allowed to drift in the last years of the old Queen. James the First now ascended the throne, Bancroft was Archbishop, and they laid heavy hands on all who would not conform to their regulations. At a conference held at Hampton Court James declared: "I will make them conform or I will harry them out of the land." Little did he realize the effect of this declaration on the history of the whole modern world.

The first flights were made to Holland, the old refuge of those who suffered religious persecution in England; but Holland soon discovered that friendship with King James was not compatible with sheltering his rebellious subjects. Political considerations had the mastery; without being exactly refused protection the Puritans were no longer welcomed; they saw they must look elsewhere for a refuge, and they turned their eyes towards the New World.

They were checked even in this direction. Several families went to Virginia, but when it was discovered that many more were preparing to embark, so far from "harrying them out of the country" they were forbidden to leave without special license from the King.

Persecution is a course that cuts its own throat. The Puritans were determined to migrate, so they provided themselves with what ultimately proved the most magnificent and powerful credentials that ever founded a People. They royal licenses for which the ever impoverished James was quite willing to be paid, were those Charters for Permission to Trade, which, by what has been termed a daring breach of the law, were treated by those to whom they were issued as grants for founding the political self governing Settlement of Massachusetts.

English affairs strengthened their powers, and assisted their independence. In the earlier years of their enterprise they looked back to England for help, depending a great deal on food supplies sent out to them, while, with more diffidence than might have been expected, they humbly asked for advice concerning the management of their colony, from a Government at that time incapable of managing itself, though not unwilling to try and manage other people. Finally affairs at home "did so take up the King and Council that they had neither the heart nor leisure to take up the affairs of New England." [Winthrop's Journal]

New England was all the better for it; the settlers managed their own affairs and prospered exceedingly.

It is difficult to determine how far the Mavericks were influenced by the Puritanical opinions of their contemporaries. A disctinctly calvinistic tone pervades Radford Maverick's sermon, but he managed to retain his two Devonshire livings unmolested from 1586 to 1621. It may be taken for granted that he was not among the fifty-one ministers who refused to assent to the Canons of Archbishop Whitgift.

John was rector of Beaworthy for fourteen years, at the end of which time he resigned the living on his own initiation, apparently because he wished to settle elsewhere. It is worth noting that when Radford Maverick in 1622 left:—"to my cosen John Maverick, preacher, one of Zanchees works on the nature of God in Lattyn," he does not mention him as rector of Beaworthy, though John then had the benefice. This gives the impression that John had then left Beaworthy to the ministrations of some local curate, and was preaching to more enlightened congregations in East Devon or Dorset.

The majority of the Mavericks were now settled in Honiton, a fairly numerous group of cousins, all John's connections, descendants of Robert of Awliscombe. From Honiton it is not far into Dorsetshire, and it is in Dorsetshire that we must look for the influence which led the Mavericks to New England.

The then rector of St. Peter's Church, Dorchester, was the Rev. John White, who has been described as "a masterful old Puritan." He held the living from 1606 until his death in 1648, but his place in history is connected with New England, and he is justly regarded as one of the founders of Massachusetts, though he never went there.

It has been said of Sir Walter Ralegh that he "understood that the road to England's greatness, which was more to him than all other good things, lay across the sea." The Rev. John White seems to have held the same opinion, and applied his wealth and influence to affording practical assistance to those willing to take that road.

He despatched a party from Dorsetshire in 1624. Some years later he procured the "Charter of Corporation for the Governor and Company of Massachusetts Bay in New England"; this was dated March 4, 1628-9.

We in England think of the great American Continents in connection with those daring spirits who first discovered them. Columbus, Amerigo Vespucci to whom they owe their name; Sir Francis Drake with his splendid talent for navigation; Ralegh dreaming ever of El Dorado; Sebastian Cabot, the Bristol Merchant adventurer; Henry Burrows of Northam near Bideford, the prototype of Amyas Leigh.

Yet the actual founders of these settlements, who dared not only the hazards of the voyage, but the experiences of new climate and conditions of which they were wholly ignorant, were the homely determined pastors, harried out of their country by the obstinancy of their rulers. Men who abandoned all prospects of dignity and affluence at home, faced the rigours of winters such as they had never imagined, defended themselves from some of the cruelest savages ever known, and applied the determination which had defied king and bishops, to establishing civilization and prosperity in the wild but splendid regions others had discovered. It was as if rocks descried by eagles, were used as nesting places for flocks of sea swallows:—"The opportunity of the moment lay in those happy hands which the Holy Ghost had guided, the fortunate adventurers." [Edmund Gosse: Some Diversions of a man of letters.]

The vessels came over in little convoys of six or eight, for mutual assistance and protection. They were armed for defence against Spanish warships or possible pirates. On board, besides the colonists with their wives and children, were horses, cattle, goats and sheep. A prosperous voyage took about six weeks, and it is not surprising to hear that the condition of the vessels could become very unpleasant.

No wonder they rejoiced when at last land appeared. Even John Winthrop's somewhat prosaic pen ceases for a moment from dry details to record the green islands, the flat shores with blue hills rising in the distance:—"Fair sunshine weather and so sweet a smell as did much refresh us, for there came a smell of the shore like the smell of a garden."

John Maverick formally resigned Beaworthy rectory in 1629-30. His successor was instituted on March 24th. The dates are perplexing, complicated by the year being then reckoned to begin on March 25th. March 24th would still be 1629. Whenever possible I have followed John Winthrop's Journal as being contemporary evidence. That same month of March he was chosen at Plymouth [Devon] as one of the teachers of the Puritan church, and soon afterwards he sailed for New England in the "Mary and John" whose Master was Captain Squib.

Winthrop wrote in his journal on June 17th, 1630, "Captain Squib brought out the West Country people, Mr. Ludlow, Mr. Rossitur, and Mr. Maverick, who were set down at Mattapan." These were the founders of Dorchester, Mass., named in honour of the Rev. John White, and recalling to many of the settlers the old county town of their native shire.

Armed with the new Charter, John Winthrop began establishing the settlement. As his license was nominally for a Trading Company the usual terms of the English Gilds, or Trading Companies were offered to the settlers; they had to become "Freemen of the Company" to secure permission to trade. On October 6th, 1630, among "the names of such as wish to become Freemen" are—
Mr. Samuel Mavracke.
Mr. John Mavracke.
Mr. John Maverick took the oath of Freeman, May 18th, 1631; his son Samuel did not, however, take the oath till Oct. 2nd, 1632.

An incident of John Maverick's life in Dorchester [Mass.] is recorded by Winthrop:—

"1632, March 19. Mr. Maverick, one of the ministers of Dorchester, in drying a little powder, which took fire by the heat of the fire pan, fired a small barell of two or three pounds, yet did no other harm but singed his clothes. It was in the New Meeting House, which was thatched, and the thatch only blackened a little."

The New Meeting House evidently served both for congregational worship and the minister's residence. Such explosions were not infrequent; gunpowder was a necessity, and it seems to have been made at home, and dried over the domestic hearth. Accidents often occurred. If the disaster was slight, the hand of Providence was perceived protecting the godly; if severe, the individual suffered for his sins. The Puritan settlers missed no opportunity of improving the occasion.

John Maverick was highly esteemed by all in the Colony. He is called the "godly Mr. John Maverick" by Roger Clapp, another Devonshire man, born at Salcombe Regis near Sidmouth. The Clapps came out to New England from Dorchester [Dorset] and were among the founders of Dorchester [Mass.]. It is quite possible that Roger Clapp knew the Mavericks in England; Honiton and Awliscombe being easily reached from Salcombe or Sidmouth.

In 1633 Samuel Maverick received a grant of Noddles Island [East Boston] where he built a new house. Either John Maverick went to live with his son, or was staying there at the time of his death; a record of the "decease of the Fathers of New England" includes "3 February, 1636. The Rev. John Maverick of Dorchester, died at Boston aged 60."

A tribute to him was penned by John Winthrop:—

"1636, Feb. 3. Mr. John Maverick, teacher of the church of Dorchester, died being nearly sixty years of age. He was a man of very humble spirit, and faithful in furthering the work of the Lord both in the churches and civil state."

John Maverick's widow (Mary Gye) survived her husband many years. She made her home with her son Samuel in the house he had built shortly before his father's death on Noddles Island, Boston. The locality is now known as East Boston, but there still exists "Maverick Square." In 1665 mention is made that Mr. Maverick had his mother, wife, children, and brother living with him. They then were on Rhode Island. Samuel Maverick in a letter written Oct. 9, 1668, to Sir William Morice, Secretary of State in England, says that his mother "presents her humble service."

Mrs. Maverick may have known some of Sir William Morice's family in England. His father Dr. Evan Morice was Chancellor of the Diocese of Exeter, and his mother Mary, daughter of John Castle of Ashbury, Devon. William Morice was born in Exeter in 1602, his father died in 1605, and in 1611 his mother married again, her second husband being Sir Nicholas Prideaux of Solden in the parish of Sutcombe, Devon. Ashbury is near Beaworthy, and Sutcombe, though farther off, is in the same part of the county; where William Morice passed much of his early life. He did not purchase the property at Werrington with which his name is usually associated, until 1651, but that is also in the neighbourhood of Beaworthy. His religious convictions were decidedly Puritanical, but he was one of the Devonshire gentlemen who supported General Monk in restoring Charles II to the throne, and was knighted on the king's landing in 1660, and immediately made Secretary of State. Samuel Maverick would have been a few years his junior, and the two may have known each other in boyhood.

Mrs. Maverick would have been at least 80 years of age at her death [after 9 Oct 1666].

SAMUEL MAVERICK. Among these eager settlers Samuel Maverick presents a most delightful character. Dry and meagre as are the details afforded us, we can read between the lines suggestions of romance and kindliness which endear him to the reader even after the lapse of three centuries.

It must be confessed that most of the Fathers of Massachusetts wore a grim and forbidding aspect. Samuel Maverick in strong contrast was full of geneality and friendship towards all he met.

He came out in 1624, possibly with the first contingent of Dorsetshire men, despatched by the Rev. John White of Dorchester. Arriving at Massachusetts he settled at Winissimet on the Mystic River.

How lovely must that land of broad waters and forest primeval have appeared when seen by the first settlers.

The Mystic river really bears an Indian name; Winthrop sometimes spells it Mistick, or Mistich; but when first seen flowing from regions unknown, the designation must have sounded singularly appropriate, and has happily been retained to the present day. Winissimet has exchanged its old name for Chelsea, which is a loss.
"Here it was that Samuel Maverick:—

". . . broke the land and sowed the crop,
Build the barns and strung the fences in the little border station
Tucked away below the foot hills where the trails run out and stop."
He had a neighbour David Thompson, also a west-countryman, sent out about 1623 by Sir Ferdinando Gorges from Plymouth, Devon. Thompson had his wife with him; the entry of their marriage is still to be seen in the parish registers of St. Andrew's Church, Plymouth [Devon].
"1613, July 13, David Thompson and Amyes Colles were married."
Together Samuel Maverick and David Thompson built a fort as a defence against the Indians. It was later described as:—"a house with a pillizado [palisade] and flankers, and gunnes both above and below in them." It was standing in 1660, "the antientist house in the Massachusetts Government."

Here Samuel practised "large hearted hospitality" and shewed special kindness in welcoming all new arrivals as soon as they landed. John Winthrop mentions that when he and his companions reached New England in 1630 "we went to Mattachusetts to find a place for our sitting down [settling]. Wee went up the Mistick river about six miles and lay at Mr. Maverick's and returned home on saturday."

Winthrop's arrival must have been especially welcome to Samuel Maverick, for his father and mother came over at the same time.

About 1634 Samuel had the grant of Noddles Island, where he built another house. John Josselyn, who came in 1638, writes:—"July 10th I went ashore to Noddles Island to Mr. Samuel Maverick, the only hospitable man in all the country, giving entertainment to all comers gratis." He was again Samuel's guest the following year.

Josselyn wrote an account of "Two voyages to New England," printed in 1674, and records the arrival of Winthrop with the other settlers, among whom he mentions "Mr. Maverick the father of Mr. Samuel Maverick."

David Thompson died about 1628, and in course of time his widow married her husband's friend Samuel Maverick. She was considerably his senior, as she married her first husband in 1613, and Samuel was born about 1602, possibly later. He described himself as "aged 63 or thereabouts" in 1665. Where or when his marriage with Amyes (or Amias) Thompson took place is not known. David Thompson left a son John, and perhaps other children. Amias wrote in 1635 to Mr. Trelawney, Merchant, Plymouth, Devon, mentioning her "fatherless children." As she wrote from Noddles Island she most likely had then bestowed a step-father on them in the person of Samuel Maverick.

Her son, John Thompson, in 1643 assigned a bill to "my father Samuel Maverick." His mother Amias was living in 1672. By her Samuel had three children, Nathaniel, Samuel, and Mary.

Samuel did not limit his kindness to his own people. In 1633, Small-pox, "the white man's scourge" attacked the native Indians. The wild men were much impressed to find that though their own people forsook them, the English came daily and attended to their needs. "Among others (writes Winthrop) Mr. Maverick of Winnissimet is worthy of perpetual remembrance; himself, his wife and servants went daily to them, ministered to their necessities, and buried their children."

On another occasion Samuel managed to smooth matters when some sailors and traders of the bark Maryland got into difficulties with the Puritan colonists. He came all the way from Winnissimet to settle the affair to everyone's satisfaction. In 1645 he protected La Tour, governor of one of the French settlements, and kept him for twelve months in his house at Noddles Island; the French having quarrelled among themselves, and La Tour's fort being totally destroyed.

At the time of his father's death Samuel was in Virginia, where he remained for a year. Winthrop records his return on August 3rd, 1636—"Samuel Maverick, who had been in Virginia near twelve months, now returned with two pinnaces, and brought some 14 heiffers, and about 80 goats." He also brought "ten niggers" some of the first negroes imported into New England, where Samuel Maverick was one of the earliest employers of slave labour. One of the two pinnaces was a vessel of about 40 tons built of cedar wood at the Barbadoes. Owing to the death of the owner, it was sold cheaply in Virginia, and there bought by Samuel, who had only takne one pinnace from Boston and evidently required a second vesel for all the merchandize he brought home.

In spite of his good qualities Samuel's religious opinions did not satisfy the Puritans of New England. The Mavericks were loyal to the English crown, and their religious tenants inclined to be episcopalian. It is impossible to discover, either from Neale's History of the Puritans, or Winthrop's Journal, what was required by the non-conformist founders of Massachusetts. Their government became a sort of theocracy, and it is well known that so far from having "freedom of conscience" the settlers endured sharp persecution unless they shared the narrow opinions of their superiors.

The Editor of Winthrop's Journal, J. K. Hosmer, notes:—"This estimable man Samuel Maverick was looked upon askance in the community, where, though recognised as a man of substance and worth, he was given no public place."

Noddles Island appears to have been entailed on his heir, Nathaniel Maverick, who in 1649 occurs as "Nathaniel Maverick of New England, Gentleman," when "with the consent of his father and by the advice of his friends," he sold to "Captain Briggs of ye Barbadoes one Island known as Noddles Island." For this Captain Briggs paid with 40,000lbs of white sugar "to be lodged in some convenient place."

So frequently was Samuel embroiled with the Governors of the settlement, that he eventually decided to return to England and lay before the Government there the case of those who, like himself, did not consider they were fairly treated.

England was still too much engrossed in home difficulties to take great interest in Colonial grievances. Samuel displayed a dogged persistance which extended over several years. His "Brief description of New England" was probably then written, for it bears internal evidence of being about the date of 1660. This printed pamphlet can be found in the British Museum Library. The original MSS. of his letters then written are at the Bodleian, Oxford; many of them are printed in the New Eng. Hist. & Gen. Reg.

Charles the Second was restored and the royal government re-established, and finally Maverick's pertinacity met with its reward. He returned to Massachusetts bearing instructions in which he was included with other Commissioners "To visit our Colony of Massachusetts in our Plantacion of New England"—dated April 23, 1664.

Under the same date were also instructions "For the visitacion of our Colony of Connecticot."

The Commissioners were to settle the affairs of New England, and reduce the Dutch in New Netherland. Samuel and his fellow Commissioners failed in their first undertaking, the Puritan Fathers of New England had no intention of submitting to any management but their own. Their dealings with the Dutch were far more successful, and, though they scarcely realised it at the time, far more important. England was then, most unwisely, at war with Holland, but this furnished an excuse for demanding the evacuation of the New Netherlands, and thus that part of the New World passed into the possession of the English settlers, and became the important State of New York.

Never could Samuel Maverick then have foreseen that he was planting the English Tongue and English People where they would, after three hundred years, have their share in the international destinies of the whole civilized world.

It has been said of Sir Walter Ralegh "that it was his undying glory to have made the great continent of North America an English speaking country, labouring in full faith and confidence that the great continent was by God's providence reserved for England." But:—
"God took care to hide that country till he found His people ready."
And other men, many of them, like Ralegh, west-countrymen, built on the foundations Ralegh had laid.

Samuel Maverick, in reward for his loyalty and exertions, was given "a house on the Broad Way," which was granted to him in October, 1669. The site has been identified as corresponding with the present No. 50 Broadway, New York City.

He lived another ten years, or more. His name appears on a deed dated 1676. Probably he died in New York, but the actual place of his death has not yet been ascertained nor his will discovered.

Both his sons predeceased him, Samuel, the second, at Boston in 1663, leaving two infant daughters. Nathaniel, the elder, who has already been mentioned, died at Barbadoes in 1673, leaving a son Nathaniel, and other children, from whom are descended the Mavericks of Texas.

Although her brother had heirs, Samuel's daughter Mary, described herself in 1687 as "wife of Francis Hooke (her second husband) and heiress of Samuel Maverick, deceased."

Beatrix Cresswell