Letters of Samuel Maverick (colonist)

Samuel Maverick, born about 1602, came to New England as early as 1624, as appears by his letter to Sampson Bond, published in this collection. He is supposed by some to have come over the year before with Robert Gorges. He was found here by the Massachusetts Company in 1630; having built a small fort on Noddle's Island (now East Boston), which was furnished with four pieces of artillery. The name of Maverick is found among those who "desire to be made freemen," 19th October, 1631; and he was admitted the following year. He had a grant of land in Maine from the "President and Council of New England" in 1631. After the Restoration, he went to England, and was appointed one of the Royal Commissioners "for reducing the Dutch at the Manhados; visiting the Colonies in New England, hearing and determining all matters of complaint, and settling the peace and security of the country." His associates were Col. Nicolls, George Cartwright, Esq., and Sir Robert Carr. He arrived at Piscataqua, in company with the latter, July 20, 1664. Maverick resided, after the recall of the Commission, in New York; and died there before May, 1676.—Winthrop's N.E., i. 27; Hutchinton's Mass, i. 280; Sumner's Hist. of East Boston, passim; Savage's Geneal. Dict.—EDS

Samuel Maverick to John Winthrop

My service beinge remembered, you may be pleased to vnderstand that there is a difference betwene one Ralfe Greene and Jno. Peirse, each challinginge a promise of mariage from a maide servant left with me by Mr. Babb, beinge daughter vnto a freind of his. Either of them desired my consent within a weeke one of the other, but hearinge of the difference, I gave consent to neither of them, desiringe there might be an agreement first amongst themselues, or by order from your worship. The maide hath long tyme denied any promise made to Greene, neither can I learne that there was euer any contract made betwene them, yett I once herd her say shee would haue the said Greene, and desired my consent there vnto; but it rather seemes shee first promised Peirse, and still resolues to haue him for her husband. For the better clearinge of it, I haue sent all such of my peopell as can say any thinge to the premises and leave it to your wise determination conceivinge they all deserue a checke for theire manner of proceedinge, I take leave, and rest
Your Worships Servant at commaund,
Indorsed by Gov Winthrop, "Mr Mavericke about his servants marriage."

Samuel Maverick to John Winthrop

To the worshipful Jno. Winthorp Esqr: these present Boston.
SIR,—I vnderstand there is a report abroade that I should be privey to the flight of one Bell, who was bound to appeare this court. He and one Morecroft I found at my howse one day last weeke, who acquainted me with the buisines they are bound ouer for, craved my advise; my answar was, Inocencey was a bulworke, wished them if cleare of the fact, to stay; if guiltey, left it to theire owne discretion. They professed innocencey, and, as I vnder stoode, resolved to stay; as Morecroft can testifie. Be pleased to certifie so much, if occasion be. I assure yow it is truth. I know there want not those which hunt after any thinge which may redound to my discreditt. Your selfe, euer honored Sir, and honest Capt. Gibones, are the only men which ever dealt plainely with me, by way of reproofe and admonition, when you have heard of any thinge in which I have beene faultie, which I hope hath not beene water spilt vpon a stone, and by it you have much oblidged me. There are those which take an inquisition like course, by indeavoring to gaither what they can from malcontented servants or the like; which course I conceive is not warrantable; the former course is more commendable, and will worke better effects. I hope God will enabel me in some measure to walke inoffencively, but findinge by 10 yeares experience that I am eie sore to diverse heare, I have seriously resolved to remoue hence, as sone as I have dispatched away Mr. Allies ship with fish, which ship is daily expected. Al other hinderances are already remoued. My well wishes shall euer attend the Plantation, and your selfe and yours in particular, howeuer. Be pleased to passe by my to longe neglect of visitinge yow, havinge not beene in Boston these fower monethes; as there is no one more engaged to yow, so there is none which more honores you then
Your worshipes reall freinde and servant
MARCH 1th, 1640.

Samuel Maverick to John Winthrop, Jr.

To his much honored freinde Jno. Winthropp Esqr, Gouernour of Conecticott, these present, Hartford.
HONORED SIR,—Yours of the 28th of October I receiued; yf we had not heard of your beinge comming this way, I had within two dayes beene on my journey towards you, and from thence to Boston. Coll. Nicholes his journey to Delawarr hath for present hindered our haply desired meetinge. It was suddayne, but a necessitie of it; Sir Robt. Carr,* (tumbling in plunder) against order resoluing to sett vp his habitation there, when as indeede he was with all expedition, by order, to returne; that himselfe, Coll: Cartwright, and my selfe might haue visited the Collonies lonies as farr as Boston before the winter. I am now designed for Roade Iland in Mr. Brownes Ketch, to giue a visitt to my freinds there; from thence I intend for Plymouth, and thence for Boston, and thence more eastward as wether shall permitt.
I iumpe with yow in admiration, that the fort in Delawarr should, by storme, be taken, and not a dropp of English bloud shed, they having 18 peeice of ordinance loaden, and not one discharged. The Companyes goods and the estates of those that were in the fort, refusinge to consent to reasonable artickles, became plunder; all else, both Sweeds and Dutch, by complyinge saued theire estates; so that now, thourough Gods mercey, the two Colloneyes, Virginia and New England, are once more intirely ioyned together, vnder the Gouerment of our soueraigne lord the Kinge, and vnder him his royall highnes the Duke of Yorke. Some inhabitants of Maryland were there, and offered to engage in six weekes tyme to loade our hired shipp, they hauinge but five miles, by land, to bringe theire tobacco ouer.
This very hower I receiued a letter from Mr. Bushrod, in Virginia, dated the 24th October, in which, for newes, he writes that the Turke hath receiued a great ouerthrow, the Visier Bashaw, cheife Commander, slayn, with ninetey thousand others, and 70,000 taken prisoners with bagg and baggage. The Intelligence bore date 27th of September.
I pray excuse me for not writinge more largely, and to my old freind Mr. Allen, for not writinge to him at all. The truth is, we are much troubled with complaints and other thinges. Gouernour Nicholes hath ordered vs to send boats for vs on the other side, for him this day seuen night. Sir, I am in hast, but shall euer remayne
Sir, Your freinde and Seruant,
You may be sure the Gouenour will be heare the tyme aforesaid, vnlesse some extrordinary thinge fall out: and I hope within 4 dayes after, Sir Robt. Carr and Coll. Cart wright will follow me; whither by you or not, cannot yett be agred on.
NEW YORKE, Nour. 9th, 64.
Indorsed by John Winthrop, jun., "Mr. Sam: Maueryck, rec. in the way to N: Haven, going to N: Yorke."

* After the reduction of New Netherland, the Royal Commissionurs sent "Sir Robert Carr, with ships under his command, to reduce the inhabitants on Delaware Bay and River; which he effected without much difficulty; for, on his arrival at New Amstel (Newcastle), the Dutch and Swedes, on the 1st of October, 1664, capitulated, and surrendered their fort." See Articles of Capitulation, &c., in Proud's "Pennsylvania," pp. 122, 123. In the latter part of October, Nicolls was commissioned to repair to Delaware Bay for the government of that place. See Smith's "History of New Jersey," pp. 47-50, for a full history of this transaction.—EDS.

Samuel Maverick to John Winthrop, Jr.

To his very much honored freind Jno. Winthrop Esqr. Gouernour of Connecticott, these present.
MR. WlNTHROPP, AND MY MOST HONORED FREINDE,—On Satterday last I vnderstood there was a horse sent me, by whome I knew not, and conceiuing it might be from the Collony of Conecticott, there beinge at that tyme, (and for ought I yett know) a dispute betwene the Duke of Yorke and that Collony, I resolued, till that dispute were ended, to receiue nothing as from that Collony, and tould your sonne last night so much, in effect; but being by Leiut. Budd and others informed that these horses were mearely as from your selfe, without any relation to the Collony; on those termes I thankefully accept of it, and wish I may deserue that fauour. The accord betweene the Gouernour & your Collony may be better made vp without me then with me. I know the Duke of Yorke his right, and the trew intent of your pattent to well to consent to what I perceiue will be demanded; howeuer, if any accord be fully made betweene the Gouernour & Coll: Cartwright, I shall freely consent vnto it, and euer remayne
Sir, Your assured & obliged freinde,
NOUR 26th 64.
Indorsed by John Winthrop, jun., "Mr. Maverick, about the horse sent him."

Samuel Maverick to John Winthrop, Jr.
To the right worshipfull Jno. Winthrop, Esqr. Gouernour of Conecticott, these present with care and speede.
Comitted to Zachary Crispe to deliver to Gouernour Winthrop.
Two packetts of letters for Sir Robt. Carr.
Two packets for Generall Nicolles.
2 letters for Capt. Breeden.
These papers were deliuered on Wensday att noone, and promised to be att Hartford on Satterday.
MUCH HONORED SIR,—Mr. Richards hath by this bearer imparted the newes from England. This serues to enclose his Majesties letter to yow directed, and to desire yow with all possible speede to send these packetts to New Yorke, some of them much concerninge his Majesties seruice. We haue receiued graciouse letters from his Majestie, who is well satisfied with what we haue acted heare, and manifesteth it not in bare words only, but out of his royall bountie hath sent each of vs considerable gratuities.
The Gouernor of the Messachusetts, Maiour Hawthorne, and 3 more whome they will chuse out amongst them selues, are commanded in to England, to answar before his Majestic for theire actinges heare. Sir Robt. Carr also, & my selfe, or one of vs, must likewise goe. Per the next you shall haue a coppie of all papers. I desire to hasten away the messenger: yf he come to yow a Satterday night next, pray add to what I haue giuen him heare 5 or 10 shs., and I will repay yow. I doe it to cause him to make the more haste. Sir, in haste, I remayne
Sir, Your affectionate freinde and seruant,
BOSTON, Wensday the 9 of August, about 12 of the clocke.
Indorsed by John Winthrop, jun., "Mr Samu: Maverick, rec: Aug: 12: 1666."

Samuel Maverick to John Winthrop, Jr.

EUER HONORED SIR,—About 3 weekes since I made bould to trouble yow with convayance of seuerall letters to New Yorke, which I vnderstand came there the same day seuennight they went hence; by the same bearer I sent yours from his Majestie, which I heare yow haue receiued. There came with it letters for vs, wherein his Majestie declares himselfe well content and satisfied with what euer we haue donne in this cunterey, and well pleased with yours and the other Collonies free and voluntary submission; and resents as ill the Massachusetts standing out, or rather Rebellion; and by a signification of his pleasure, expresely commands the Gouernour and Maior Hathome and 3 or 2 more of theire owne chusinge, to repaire in to England. Some one, at least, of vs must goe ouer also, to accquainte him with the present state of the cunterey, and to doe what seruice else he hath to command vs.
Neither by word or writinge can the Gouernor be prevayled with to call his Councell, to receiue this signification. I belieue he desires not to see it. There are writts come fourth for calling a Generall Court about the 10th of September; they come out vnder the Deputies hand alone.
Heare is no newes come since from England, and for 5 weekes now past, not a vessell from the Cariba Ilands, although at least 6 expected many weekes since. Euen now I receiued letters from Sir Tho. Modyford, Gouernour of Jamica, who confirmes what some weekes since he aduised me of, the taking of Prouidence Plantation from the Spaniard, 150 negroes, and 7000 peeces of eight, and that he hath sent downe Maiour Sam: Smith, with a supply, & to be Gouernour there, and he saies we are preparinge to engage the French, who seeme to be much puffed vp with the suckcesse at St. Christophers. We heare by the sea men that before they came away, the privaters had brought in 3 considerable prizes. Good newes for Jno. Hull.
Sir, this gent., the bearer, goes with an intent to remayne in those parts; if he finde any encouragement, especially from your selfe, he intends to remayne there. Since I heard of his intent so to doe, I haue made some enquirie, and finde a very good character giuen of him, as to honesty and abilitie for his profession, Phisicke and Chirurgerie, and I haue taken obseruation of his caryage since he hath beene heare, and finde it to be ceuill. Sir, I know not how [to] goe about to exhort yow to be courteous; I know your nature is such; and if, at my request, yow shew him any favour, I shall acknowledg it as a curtesie. With my humble seruice to your selfe and good lady, and best respects to your children, I remayne, Sir
Your affectionat freinde & seruant,
AUGT. 29th, 1666.

I send yow a coppie of his Majesties letter to vs, that yow may see he approues of what we haue donn. I pray send me a coppie of that which yow receiued.

Indorsed by John Winthrop, jun., “Mr Sam Mavericke.”

Samuel Maverick to John Winthrop, Jr.

To the Worshipfull John Winthrop, Esqr., Gouernour of his Majesties Collony of Conecticott, these present. Hartford. Per Mr. Butler.
EUER HONORED SIR,— I wrote vnto you about 20 dayes since, and gaue you a breife account of the newes we had by the first permissionated ship for this yeare; six dayes since arived a second, and is the last will euer come on that account: the first came out before the permissions were recaled; this last Coll: Nicolls gott leaue for, with much difficulty. A letter from Coll: Nicolls to the Gouernour imparts as followeth. Staten Iland is adiudged to belong to N: Yorke. The L. Barkley* is vnder a cloud, and out of all his offices, and offers to surrender vp the Patent for N. Jarsey. Sir G: Carterett,† his partner, is in Ireland, but it is thought he will likewise surrender, and then N. Yorke will be inlarged. The L. Arlington is made L: Treasurer of England; the Duke of Buckingham, L: Leiutenant of Ireland. Coll: Nicolls hath deliuered the complaynts and charges against Scott,‡ and acquainted his Majestie, the Queene, and Duke, with his lavish extravagant expressions concerning each of them heare. The sight of Coll: Nicoles made him forsake Whitehall. All peace and quietnes att home and abroad. His Majestie very intent about settelment of his Collonies heare, [a line destroyed] a select counsell is appoynted for these affaires. Dclavall will be shortly heare in a shipp from England. Olaue Steuenson and other considerable persons of this place goe for England, to take passage on the English shipps, of which we may expect seuerall this sommer, and some very soone.
When I had written thus farr, the Gouernour vnexpectedly returned home from Harlem. I acquainted him with this opportunitie of conveyance to you; he tould me he would write; I acquainted the bearer with his resolution, & ordered him to call for it. I shall therefore not enlarge, referringe you to his letter, euer remayninge, Sir,
Your most affectionate friende & seruant
N. YORKE, Feb. 24th 16689
Indorsed by John Winthrop, jun., “Mr. Maverick, rec: Feb. 26”

* John, Lord Berkeley, of Stratton, one of the Privy Council in 1663, and one of the original proprietaries of New Jersey, to whom this territory was granted by the Duke of York, 23d June, 1664. In 1670, he was Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland; was appointed ambassador extraordinary to Versailles in 1675; and died 28th August, 1678.— Coll. Of N.J. Hist. Soc., i. 30.—EDS.
† Sir George Carteret was appointed, by Charles I., Governor of the Island of Jersey, and afterwards held the office of comptroller of the navy. He was associated with Lord Berkeley as proprietor of Carolina and New Jersey.— Coll. of N.J. Hist. Soc., i. 30; Rose's Biog. Dict.—EDS.
‡ Capt. John Scott, a person somewhat notorious in the history of New England and New York, is doubtless here referred to. See General Index, p. 565, to Documents relating to the Col. Hist of New York; and Proceedings Mass. Hist. Soc. for June, 1862, pp. 65-73.—EDS.

Samuel Maverick to Sampson Bond.*

To the Reuerend & his much respected friend, Mr. Sampson Bond, these present, Barmodas. Per our friend, Capt. Stone.
REUEREND SIR,— After presentment of my respects to yow, these few ensuing lynes are to giue you to vnderstand that there hath come to my view a letter you sent to Mr. Wolstoncraft; the knowledg I haue had of him, and being informed by him, that yow are my cunteryman, borne at Northhill in Cornewall, make me bould to answar your letter, and to euery particular, as they lie in order.
Your brother in law. Mr. Wolstoncraft, came ouer in the fleete I came in, and I knew his humour then, and obseruinge it now, finde him much reformed, and beinge retired in to the cuntery, he followes his buisines closely, (as I am informed) and liues comfortably.
You hint to him, that you haue heard very well of New Yorke, which hath made you willing to come and dwell in some parte of this cuntery (if the Lord were so pleased). It seemes to me he is opening a wide dore to yow, by inclyninge the honorable Gouernour, on the first notice he had of your thoughts this way, to tell the bearer, Capt. Stone, that if your selfe and copany came, he would order yow a proportion of land (accordinge to the families you should bringe) on an Iland called States lland, about 3 or 4 leagues from this cittie, the most commodiosest seate and richest land I haue scene in America. It is probable (if his multiplicitie of buisines will permit it) he will lett you know it by his owne penn. I haue heard it from his owne mouth.
You intimate that you want directions from some person well accquainted in the cuntery, as to the privilidges and libertyes of the Inhabitants. I haue beene heare from the very first settling of N: England, by the English, and could giue you an account of all the privilidges inioyed & bondages imposed in the seuerall Gouerments there, but that is needles. I shall only informe you what is allowed, and may be expected to be enioyed by the Inhabitants, within his Royall Highnes his territories heare.
Ecclesiasticall liberties are, 1, Liberty of consience to all, prouided they rase not fundamentalls in religion, nor disturbe the publique peace. 2, Cerimonies may be used or omitted. 3, The Booke of Common Prayer may be made vse of or not.
Civill liberties are,— All freeholders, not scandalous in theire liues & conversations, are capable to vote att the election of officers, military and civill, in theire seuerall towneshipps.
As to your desire to know what trafficke the people take to for maintenance, be pleased to know that this harbour is the most commodious for trade of any on all this coast. The cunteiy affords all commodities fitt for Spaine, Tangeir, Jamica, and all the Cariba Ilands, in greater plenty then Boston & those parts haue, who by tradinge are growne so greate and rich. Shipping and stirringe marchants are the only want heare. The Gouernour is building a considerable ship, and some other are building smaller vessels. Codd fish is found in abundance on this coast; aboue 20 whales gotten this spring. There is gonn out of this port, to Boston, already, ten thousand skepell of wheate, and much more yett remaynmge. The greatest want heare is good, honest, ingenious people, and some good ministers; and though (if you should come) yow resolue not to be tyed to any people, yett many might reape benefitt by yow. If you and any else resolue to come, you may send a discreete person or two, to view the cuntery, per the first, who may make report how they finde things. It is 45 yeares since I came into New England. I haue kept correspondence with most, if not all the Gouernours that haue beene in your Iland, euen to Mr. Seimour, the last before your present Gouernour, with Mr. Copeland in his tyme, and Mr. Norwode also; and craue the like with your selfe, and shall be ready to serue yow in any thinge I may, of which pray be assured, and I shall euer remayne, Sir
Your affectionate freinde & humble servant

Indorsed by John Winthrop, jun., “Copy of Mr. Mavericks letter to Mr. Bond of Barmudas.” [The letter, or copy of letter, is in the handwriting of Maverick.]

* Rev. Sampson Bond, an ejected minister from the county of Cumberland, after residing at the Bermudas, came to New England, and was employed as assistant to the Rev. James Allen, teacher of the First Church in Boston, in 1682. It is said that he was compelled to leave this place for preaching a sermon not composed by him; that he went to Barbadoes, and probably returned to Bermuda, where he died.— Colony, Continuation, &c., ii. 150; Hutchinson’s Hist. of Mass., i. 427; Emerson’s Hist. of First Church, pg. 134.—EDS

Samuel Maverick to John Winthrop, Jr.

To the worshipfull his much honored friend, John Winthrop, Esq, Gouernour of his Maiesties Collony of Connectocott, these present. Hartford.
HONORED SIR,—I haue received one from yow since I wrote to yow, for which I humbly thanke yow. I haue had no opportunitie till now to answar, and had I, I should haue lett it passe, dayly expectinge newes from England. Mr Laurence left all letters, both publique and private, behinde, although Coll: Nicolls tould him he had them ready, and ordered him a tyme to call for them. He saies he went for them, but Coll: Nicolls beinge not out of bed, and his man vnwilling to awake him, he came away without them. We may expect them per the next.
Heare hath beene lately two vessells from Barmodaes; one bringes a letter from one Mr. Sampson Bond, which intimats that himselfe and some hundreds of people haue a desire to remoue from thence hither, if they might heare haue accommodation. It fell to my share to answar the letter, a coppie of which I send inclosed,* by which you may see what they desire, and what the Gouernour grants them.
Heare are also considerable persons come from Barbadoes, who haue comission from persons of qualitie to buie Plantations and houses; some are already bought, more in chase.
New Jarsey is returned to his Royall Highnes, by exchange for Delawar, as Sir George Carterett writs to his cosen, the present Gouernor;† some tract of land, on this side the river & on the other side, to reach to Maryland bounds.
The L. Robarts‡ is gonn ouer as L. Deputie of Ireland. I supose the Gouernour will giue you an account of some other particulars, which I haue not tyme to doe, the bearer stayinge for this. I remayne,
Sir, Your most affectionate freinde and seruant,
NEW YORKE, June 29th 1669.

I receiued yesterday from Boston the simpell history of N: Eng: and the lawes made the last Court.

Indorsed by John Winthrop, jun., “Mr. Maverick.”

* The preceding letter.—EDS.
† Philip Carteret, brother of Sir George, appointed Governor of New Jersey, Feb. 10, 1664.—Coll. of N.J. Hist. Soc., i. 36.—EDS.
‡ John, Lord Robartes, of Truro, afterwards Viscount Bodmin and Earl of Radnor. He was appointed Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, Feb. 14, 1668; and was succeeded, in 1670, by John, Lord Berkeley, of Stratton.—Collin’s Peerage, ix. 122; Haydn’s Book of Dignities, p. 442.—EDS

The Winthrop Papers

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