The Clarendon Papers



      Hauing formerly prsented to prsent to your Honr my generall obseruations of the nature of the places, and Constitutions of ye seuerall Gouermts in the northern pts of America, So shall I now in all humilitie lay open my pticular thoughtes, what in my weake Judgmt may most Conduce, to ye regaininge of his Maties rights in those pts from Intruders, And reducinge the English to dew obedience.  The concernemts of it.  And the easiest way as I conceiue to effect it.
      And shall therefore first humbly assert, that as his Matie hath a generall right to those pts, by vertue, of the first discoueries, So likewise a pticular legall right, aboue, aboue and before all other Princes or states in Europe.  First by antient possession freely giuen by the Natiues, to the subiects of his Maties prdecessors, and by them taken, to theire vse and theire suckcesses.  Secondly by keepinge the said possesion euer since by the English in seuerall pts thereof.  Thirdly by ye purchasinge of seuerall tracts of land both on the Continent and adiacent Ilands by his Maties subiects, and all hath beene donne by ye desire & volentary consent of ye natiues in generall.  Queene Elizabeth of famous memory granted Pattents to diuerse of her subiects for Virginia and places more southerly towards Florida.  King James of like famous memory also granted letters Pattentes, to some noblemen, gent, and marchants, for all the lands lyinge betweene the degrees of thirtie fiue and fortie of north latitude, about the yeare 1609.  And afterward also granted to some gent, and marchants, intituled the Plymouth Company, all the lands and Ilands betweene fortie and fortie-eight degrees, naminge it New England.  So that I humblie conceiue, there can be no Intervale betweene either, for any prince or state to settell any of theire subiects there, nor can it be donne wthout Intrenchinge on his Maiesties Rights  And yett the Dutch, haue since these Patents were granted, And many English settled on both sides, intruded into the most considerable pt of both, for trade and Comerce wth ye natiues gettinge yearely from them aboue one hundered Thousand Beauar skines, besides much other good Pelterey.  The land also is exceedinge good, There are also two gallant riuers runninge farr vp into the land  And it lyeth most Commodious for comerce from and wth all pts of the West Indies, and may in tyme on that Account, proue very aduantagious to ye Crowne of England if Regained, and as priudiciall if not.
      As for those English in New-England wch haue gotten the power in theire hands, your Lordship hath beene informed how they stand affected to his Maiesties Gouermt, they are a greate and Considerable people, and ye sooner reduced the better, They prtend seuerall Pattents to beare them out in what they doe, as Plymouth a grant from his Maties royal grandfather, Messachusetts and seuerall others from his Maties royall Father, who also since granted a large tract of land to S Ferdinando Gorges intituled ye Prouince of Mayne, whch included seauen of Eight of ye lesser Pattents, granted to seuerall others before, And since in Oliuer Cromwells tyme another was granted for a large tract of land, to Collonell Alexander Rigby vnder the title of ye Prouince of Ligonia, And he by his agents contended for Jurisdiction, ouer pte of the Prouince of Maine and some other Pattents, But while they were contendinge Messachusetts swallowed vp all, The two sowtheren Collonyes Conecticott and Newhauen haue no Pattents that I know but gouern by Combination amongst them selues, but in a strange confused way, and in this Confusion and ye gouermts in New England at prsent, and I conceiue will be no otherwise vntill his Maiestie be pleased to call all againe in to his owne hands, and disposall, wch I supose may be donne wth out Iniury to any, there beinge, none but haue some way or other forfaited theire priuiledges  And now my Lord in all humilitie I craue pardon, for what I may haue erred in, in the prmises, And humbly begg your fauour to giue me leaue, to shew wth what facilitie, I conceiue the Dutch Plantations may be regained & ye English reduced.  For the Dutch I know by credible information they haue not of theire owne Nation, forteene hundered wch can beare armes, and there are neare fower hundered able English men wch liue amongst them, These all both Dutch and English, are extreamely burdned wth heauie taxations as the tenth pte of all the land produceth, And vnheard of Excise, not only on all goods, brought to them or caryed from thence, but also on what they eate and drinke.  Sr I am very Confident, if his Matie doe but send and demaund a surrender lettinge them enioy theire lands and goods, and mittigatinge the burdens they now lie vnder, there will be littell or no dispute about it.  Yet for the more honorable caryage on of the worke and the more surely to effect it, It will be Convenient if his Maiestie please, to haue one good frigott and two smaler ones, a hundered or two of well experienced soldiers, one thousand spare armes wth some powder shot &c.  And for what men else may be needfull in case they should at first refuse surrender, the English Plantations wthin twentie or thirtie leagues can suddenly furnish.
      As for reducemt of the English, the diuisions amongst themselues, the members and freemen, against the non members and non freemen, is such, as that if the former of these should refuse to submitt, the latter I am very confident, (are wch farr the greater number) will wth much Joy, receiue and obay his Maiesties Commands, and then there can be no dispute.  And howeuer debarringe them from trade a few monethes, will force them to it  But care must be had, that they may enioy libertie of Concience in some reasonable large measure, And be as littell burdned by taxes or otherwise as may be,
      As for the diuidinge of this large and greate tract of land in to seuerall gouermts.  The nominatinge, of some fitt and able Comisioners there.  And the raisinge some reuenew to the Crowne, when regained and reduced, my selfe and one or two more well experienced there shall att all tymes waite on your Lordship, to shew our weake apprehensions, if desired.  And I shall now humbly craue leaue to subscribe my selfe.
Sr Your Lordshipes most humble servant,


      When I appeared before your Lordship, and the rest of the right honorable Councell, expectinge other inter[ro]gatories, I declared not so fully as I should, as to the question, whither they euer ownd his Maties souerainty ouer them, I declared some actions whch I humbly conceiue rendered them of another Judgment as defacing the English Coulors. Bringinge theire forces in armes and declaringe it was to resist ye landinge of a generall Gouernor sent by the Kinge. The rage betweene Brookes and Ewers. Theire pmittinge shippes belonginge to places in obedience to the Kinge to be taken vnder theire forts whch they might haue prevented. Byndinge all bound from thence in those tymes, not to commerce or trade wth any people that held out for his Maiestie A Cappitall law in the 12th page of theire law booke is, That who euer shall Indeauour the alteringe of the frame and politie of Gouernt of that theire Comonwealth shall be put to death. Many other thinges I omitted. As in the begininge of the late troubles to incite men to come ouer sermons were frequently preached on that text Curse yee Merosh &c. At the first newes of his Maties death the gouernor and magestrates sittinge att supper, one asked if it were good newes, another answered the best that euer came and no contradition. And prsently after, he was not thought to haue taken a ptinent text, yf not such as these. He pulleth down the mightie from theire seates and exalteth ye humble and meeke. And I will ouerturne &c. for the Oath of Allegance it was neuer administred to any although some haue desired it, but insteed there of the oath of fidelitie hath beene forced on all aboue 16 yeares of age. Wherein euery one must acknowledge himselfe to be subiect to the gouermt of that Commonwealth, and to be faithfull to the same, and yeeld assistance wth pson and estate, to maintayne, the Liberties and privilidges thereof. And to submitt to Lawes established by the same.
      Many acts of high Iniustice haue beene donne, but more remarkable that agt Doctor Child and six others, who for desiringe to haue a body of lawes established, and as neare as might be agreeinge wth the lawes of England. Liberty as freeholders to haue votes in election of publique officers, or to be freed from publique charges. And psons of competent knowledge and inoffenciue in theire liues and conversations to be admitted to the Sacramt of the L. Supper, and theire children to baptisme for this wth hazard of theire lyues, they were besides fined about one thousand pound, And appealinge for England it was peremptorily refused. And the recorde of that buisiness, almost totally falsified, as was there in Court since Justified.
      As for liberty of Conscience the prtence of theire going ouer, they neuer yett allowed any to those neuer so littell differinge in Judgment from them, There are many thousands haue not received the sacramt since they went ouer, and many thousands more borne there in the like Condition, although they are of Competent knowledge, and ready to giue account of it in publique, and liue not scandalously, And many thousands are vnbaptised of whome some are aboue thirtie yeares old.
      My Lord, yf on what Complaynts haue come against these psons, a small pte in Comparison of the rest of the Considerable freeholders, The Kings Maiestie, resolue not on sendinge ouer a generall Gouernor wth expedition, his Maties loyall subiects there wch are three pts of fower, will be frustrated of theire expectations, remayne disconsolate, and still sufferers, on both accounts civill and Eclesiasticall.
      I assure you my Lord the worke will proue more difficult, if not speedily pruented, when we appeared before your honors, that Impudent and inconsiderable pson Scott thrust in after vs, And we have iust cause to suspect as a spie. for that night one Capt Leuerett a proud spirited pson slipt privatly abord one of the shippes bound for N. England ridinge in the downes. It is that pson who in Oliuers tyme and since, was the N. England agent, And did not long since say, that before New England should admitt of appeales to England, they would deliuer it vp to the Spaniard, proued by a substantiall psons oath before a Comitee in Doctors Commons. And in these shippes are gonn also aboue one hundered other psons wch are gon hence in discontent, and are not like to further the reducemt but may doe much to hinder it if not speedily pruented. I leaue this to your Lordships wise Consideration, And to pardon the bouldness of
Sr Your Lordships most humble servant
To the right Honorable Edward
    Earle of Clarendon Lord Chan-
    cellor of England
these humbly prsent.



      I was yesterday wth the Lord Privie Seale, who intended this day to wayte on your Lordp I make bould heare inclosed to send yor a breefe acco of what hath past betwene his Lordp and my selfe, in refference to N. England. he put me to a taske yesterday, wch accordinge to what he propounded, and as the tyme would afford I haue ready to prsent to him, before he come to your Lordp, And probably may shew it to you. In what I may be short therein of what is expected I shall God willinge make vp wth expedition My Lord I pceiue some haue no desire that those psons in New England should be reduced: And shall make bould to put your Lordp in minde, that if any thinge be resolued on that way the tyme of the yeare calls for expedition, and surely my Lord the longer it is deferred the more difficult it will be to effect it Truly my Lord what euer I haue declared is truth, I haue no selfe end in what I haue donn, only a desire (yf it may be) that as I saw the first settlement of those pts so that I may see the reducementt of them of them vnder his Maties obedience. wch is the earnest desire of
Your Lordps most humble servant,
To the right Honorable Edward
    Earle of Clarendon Lord Chan-
    cellor of England these humbly


      May it please your Lordp
The tyme seemes long since I had the happines to be admitted to your prsence, I am in duty bound to acquaint your Lordp, that we haue certaine intelligence from Holland that the Dutch haue latly sent one shipp and are prparinge three more, for the strengthninge the New Netherlands. My Lord I am affrayed Whaley and Goffe, haue a hand in the buisines, and I wish some in New England be not also involued. There are many discontented psons heare also wch are prparinge to goe ouer speedily, 4 or 5 shipes are already designed, what the issew may be I know not. I haue had thoughts of late to propound to your Lordp a p[s]on I apprehend fitt for a Commandor ther. It is Collonell Francis Louelace, a pson euery way accomplished for such an Imploy and very well beloued in all those pts. I leaue it to your Lordps consideration, being alwayes ready to wayte on you, I am Sr
Your Lordps most humble seruant
To the right honorable Edward
    Earle of Clarendon Lord high
    Chancellor of England these be
    humbly prsented.



      May it please your Lordp I am a daily obseruer of the many great and waightie affaires of the nation passinge thorough your Lordp hands. Yett in the middest of the Croud I most humbly craue leaue, to aquaint your Lordshp, that wth in a moneth past or there about there haue gonn of from hence for New England many seditious factious psons, Convayinge ouer considerable estates, Three shippes more are preparinge for the same designe, and for ought we know to transport the like Cargo, for what else we cannot imagine. These added to those of the same humor alr[e]dy there, may make yt worke proue difficult and chargable, wch if sett on wth expedition would be easily effected, Good my Lord pardon me, I can truly, and wth confidence affirme, that neither avarice, ambition, or desier of reuenge, hath put me on what I haue donn in this buisines from first to last, It is zeale to his Maties seruice, and affection to the many thousands of his Maties loyall subiects and my sufferinge freinds, wch hath made me so bould att this tyme as formerly to be troublesome to your Lordship. The summer passeth away, and winter is not for any designe in those pts. My Lord the Earle of Marlebourgh is ready at any tyme you shall appoynt to wayte on your Lordshp So is also
Your Lordships most humble servant
To the right honorable Edward
    Lord Hide Earle of Clarendon
    Lord Chancellor of England.
    these be humbly prsented.


      May it please yor Lordp since I had the happines to kisse your hand I haue had seuerall discourses wth the Earle of Marlebourgh, and the Lord Winsor about theire seuerall designes, I haue propounded to theire Lordps Considerable psons for Commanders such as (by discourse wth and full information from others) theire Lordps rest fully satisfied wth, as to theire abilities, for carying on the seuerall designes, but thus I finde and they vnders[t]and, that vnfitt psons striue hard for, and hope to, carry the cheife Commands, vnlesse yor Lordp interpose as for the East Indies, on Capt Minus, and Capt Jerimiah Blackman, in whose roome some of the East India Company indeauour to bringe in two others who were neuer there. And for the west Indis Capt Minges, well knowne by all and approued of by my Lord Winsor, is like to be outed, and in his roome put one Capt Ffearnes, inconsiderable in respect of the other, as may easily be made appeare. Thus much I make bould to acquainte yr Lordp wth desiring his Maties designes may prosper. Capt Mings desires to kisse yor Lordps hand when you please to afford him that honor, so also doth
Your Lordps most humble seruant,
    I haue beene often wth Collonell Venables, about the New England buisines and cannot vndersta[n]d wtt is doun about it, I humb[l]y desire to haue the happines to speake wth your Lordp wher you please to appoynt, &c.
To the right Honorable Edward
    Earle of Clarendon, L: Chan-
    cellor of England these be hum-
    bly prsented.


      May it please your Lordp I haue lately spoken wth Collonell Venables, and finde him not altogether of from the New-Engd designe, but backward because there haue beene no propositions made to him. I haue seene some wch he hath drawne vp, to haue presented to your Lordp but fearing it might be ouermuch prsumtion hath hitherto forborne. They are many and how your Lordp will app[r]oue of them all I know not, yf euer they come to your view, I leave that to your wise Consideration. And shall now humbly craue leaue breefely to repeate the heads of what I haue formerly spoken as to the well settellmt of New England.
      Good my Lord it is the considerablest of all his Maties Collonyes in America what if it were by Act of Parlamt annexed to the Crowne of England, I meane N. Engd from 40 degrees to 48. that bounde beinge alloted and that name giuen to it by Kinge James his Maties royall Progenitor.
      How euer it will require a diusion into three Prouinces, and Commissioners appointed by his Matie, in either of them.
      The oath of Allegance to be taken by all, as a toutch stone to try theire loyalty to his Matie.
      The Militia to be in the hands of such as his Matie may confide in, wch will enable him the better to Protect them.
      The act of Indempnitie to be extended to all these as to life.
      Pattents not apparently forfaited to continew Corporations according to the tenor of theire Grants all free holders wth in their seuerall bounds having voats in Election of officers.
      The iust bounds of euery Pattent fourthwth to be laid out.
      Appeals on Just grounds to be admitted of, to his Maties Comissioners.
      The lawes to be reformed. And reduced as neare as may be to ye lawes of Engd.
      Liberty of Consience in a large measure allowed, prouided they rase not fundamentalls, And to be enioyed till abused, the want of this hath much hindered the increase of that Plant for neare twenty yeares past, and the affordinge it, will speedily much increase it.
      Taxes to be abated as much as conveniently may be.
      I hope my Lord I haue at tymes made euidently appeare his Maiesties titell to that great, and most considerable tract of land vsurped by the Dutch yf intended to regaine it, three shippes will be necessary, and some armes and ammunition. yf not one or two, will serue, and may in the way (if spedily dispatched) helpe to carry people wth my Lord Winsor, from the windward Iland to Jamaica. Or else as a Convoy to seuerall Considerable shippes bound for New-England; and may there take in Provision for Jamica, and in the way take in Passengers, if any prsent in New England or else from Barmodaes, Barbadoes and other Carieba Ilands.
      My Lord I humbly conceiue, there must be from heare, a pson fitt for Conduct, and an able lawier, for there is not one in New Engd that prtends any thinge as to the knowledg of the Lawes of England, and whom else his Matie shall please to send from hence. some there will be found there, to doe him seruice on seuerall imployes, and the impowring of such, will much please the maior pte of the people there.
      As to the raisinge a revenew to his Matie I am still to seeke, the Customs will in tyme be Considerable, and yearly one halfpenny on euery acker taken vp will amount to much. My Lord I beseech you consider, how the Inhabitants haue brought it to what it is, at theire owne cost & charges, wthout any help of the state heare, And the charge now for resetelmt and keeping it in order for the future is not greate, and will alwayes grow lesse. as the place doth grow more populous. And truly my Lord, there are some hundereds intend for that place wth theire families this yeare, and will proceed if they can but vnderstand what liberty they shall there enioye. five shippes are already designed for that place, and I beleiue more will speedily.
      My good Lord I beseech you pardon my prsumption, Mr Winthrop Capt: Breedon and my selfe, and another or two, are ready all wayes to wait on your Lordp and I alwayes am,
Sr your Lordps most humble seruant
To the right Honorable Edward
    Earle of Clarendon Lord high
    Chancellor of England. be these
    most humbly prsented.


      May it please your Lordp since Thursday last I heare Mr Norton and Bradstreete boast much that by the assistance of some great psons they haue obtayned what they came for. I beseech you good my Lord Consider from whome they were sent, euen from those wch for so many years stiled themselues a state and Comonwealth & neuer owned his Maties Soueraignitie ouer them vntill they saw there was no avoydinge of it. Yea they frequently bragged they were the elder Commonwealth. Consider also I humbly beseech you who they are wch are sent, euen such as for many yeares in theire seueral wayes spoake & acted vyolently agat his Maties Interest. I wish my L. yf you shall think it fitt, that the oath of Allegance may be tendered them, and see also how they like the act of Vniformitie, although it may not be convenient at prsent to Impose it there. Truly my Lord if what they desire be granted wthout limitation New E. will soone be in a shattered Condition.
      And now once more good my Lord I most humbly beseech you to take into your serious Consideration the bad neighborhoode New E. will haue of the Dutch if they grow more potent, sad experience hath shewed it in seuerall places, and the sooner the pruention of this is sett about, wth more ease and lesse charge, it will be effected, and also New England settled.
      I humbly begg the favor, at some tyme you shall thinke fitt, to admitt me to your prsence, wth out these psons. Accordinge to your Comand I shall attend this afternoone, and at any tyme else. And euer remayne.
Your Lordps most humble seruant
To the right Honorable Edward
    Earle of Clarendon Lord Chan-
    cellor of England. be these most
    humbly prsented.


      I most humbly beseech your Lordp that I may haue another hearinge before the New-England affaire be fully concluded on, where I shall affirme, (and no man shall be able iustly to contradict it) that those wch haue had the Comande in the Mesachusets Gouermt, and by vsurpation ouer many other gouerments haue shewed them selues disloyall (as I conceiue) in many pticulars, wth yor Lordp fauour I shall mention some.
Disloyaltie.1. The first wch I obserued was defacing the English coulors terminge it a badge of the whore of Babell.
      2. On a rumor of the arivall of a Gouernor sent by the Kinge they were all in armes to resist.
      3. They made a Capitall Law that who euer should atempt any Invasion, Insurection, or Rebellion, against that their Comonwealth, or Indeauour the surprisall, of any towne or fort, or the alteration, of theire frame and politie of Gouerment, should be put to death, wch hath kept all in awe, in so much as at this tyme, the Considerablest pte of the Inhabitants dare not make an Adresse to his Matie.
      4. The Oath of Allegance was neuer administered to any, but an oath of fidelitie to them selues forced on all aboue 16 yeares.
      5. When the vnhappie breach began heare in England, to incite men to come ouer, sermons were frequently made on that text Curse yee Meroch, and many came ouer and serued against the King, and were heare highly prferred, others were sent to sow sedition, as Peeters and Weld, and were for some yeares maintayned by the Cunterey.
      6. After the sad newes of the Kinges death he was not thought to haue taken a ptinent text if not such as these. He putteth downe the mightie from theire seates, and exalteth the humble and meeke. And I will ouerturne ouerturne.
      7. They pmitted shippes belonginge to places in obedience to the Kinge to be taken by Parlament Comission vnder Command of theire forts. And forced all Commanders bound fourth, to enter into greate bonds, not to Comerce or trade wth any place wch held out for the King.
      8. They maintayned an Agent heare in Cromwells tyme wch shewed theire affection to him.
      9. Theire Courteous Intertaynemt of Goffe and Whaley, many monethes, after they knew they were proclaymed traytors and transportation offered for them, shewes also how loyall they weare.
      10. In Cromwells tyme a Gent one Cason, for sayinge he was a Rebell and a Traytor was Committed to prison and heauie Irons laid on him, for many weekes, and had once a resolution to put him to death.
Injustice. As for their acts of Iniustice they haue beene many.
      1. I shall name a few.
      They gaue a Comission to one Capt Cooke to march wth a foote Company aboue fivetie miles beyond theire boundes, and there by force of armes to sease on one Mr Gorton and seueral of his neighbours, and aliue or dead to bring them to Boston wth all their Cattell to a great number, wch was accordingly pformed, And they in tryumph brought in to Boston, theire Cattell sould, and they comitted to prison for a long tyme wth heauie Irons on, And at last dispersed in to seuerall townes, out of the bounds of wch they were not stepp vpon payne of death. theire heauie Irons still on.
      2. One Mr Morton a gent of good qualitie, vpon prtence that he had shott an Indian, wittingly, wch was indeede but accidentally, and no hurt donn, they sentenced him to be sent for England prisoner, as one who had a designe to sett the Indians at varience wth vs, they further ordered as he was to saile in sight of his howse that it should be fired he refusinge to goe in to the shipp, as havinge no buisines there, was hoisted by a tackle, and neare starued in the passage. No thinge was said to him heare, in the tyme of his abode heare, he wrote a booke entitled New Canan, a good description of the Cuntery as then it was, only in the end of it he pinched to closely on some in authoritie there, for wch some yeares after cominge ouer to looke after his land for wch he had a patent many yeares before, he found his land disposed of and made a towneship and himselfe shortly after apprehended, put in to the goale wth out fire or beddinge, no bayle to be taken, where he remained a very cold winter, nothing laid to his charge but the writinge of this booke, wch he confessed not, nor could they proue, he died shortly after, and as he said and may well be supposed on his hard vsage in prison.
      3. The case of one Ratclife whome they handled cruelly, as most seuerely whiped his eares Cutt and banished on payn of death, no c[r]ime legally proued against him.
      4. The sufferinges of Doctor Childe and Company were very remarkeable, no crime proued against them, only accused for petitioning, and appealinge from theire sentence. besides the hasard of their liues Imprisonments monethes and some for yeare (sic), they were fined aboue one thousand pounds, Six of the seaven paid the fines, the other was three yeare or thereabout prisoner, wth Irons on, because he could not pay it.
      5. Theire forcinge so many Gouermts vnder theire Command wch had as ample and more antient Patents then theires.
      6. Their banishinge so many Considerable psons, who were forced to shelter them selues vnder the dut[c]h, wher some whole familyes of them, were shortly after, all murdered by the Indians or Captiued, theire Crime was only difference in Judgement.
      7. Theire forcinge men and weomen, who are of Contrary Judgmt, to come to theire church meetinges, or to pay 5/s for euery default.
      8. The puttinge to death so many quakers, strict Imprisonment, Cruell scurginges, heauie and insuportable fines laid on others, and strictly exacted to the vallew of a thousand pound and more.
      9. Neither is there to be left out, that hard measure wch the owners of the Iron workes mett wth all, the workes wch cost them forteene thousand pound, beinge taken from them, wth a full stocke of mine and Coale, vpon prtence of a debt of three thousand three hundred pound.
      My Lord I know no man can disproue what I haue said, much more I could say on either account,
      As to theire petitioning for a Continuance of theire priviledges, Good my Lord I humbly conceive, if they could wth out scrupell, take away by force the priviledges, and dispose of the land of more then a dozen Patents many granted and po[sse]ssed before theires, his Matie doth them no Iniurie if he take away theires, beinge wth all many other wayes forfaited, All others I am sure will freely submitt to what his Matie shall order. I beseech Your Lordp pardon me for givinge you this trouble,
Your Lordps most humble seruant.
To the rightt Honorable Edward
    Earle of Clarendon Lord High
    Chancellor of England.
    be these humbly presented.


      May it please yr Lordp yf I misvnderstood you not, you ordered me to draw vp the heads of what might be thought requisit for those of the Messachusetts to Condescend vnto, vpon the Continewation of the Charter. I most humb[l]y conceiue they may be such as these followinge.
      That all freeholders may have voats in Election of officers civill and Military.
      That all psons inoffenciue in life and conversation may be admitted to the sacrament of the Lords supper, and theire childeren to Baptisme.
      That such lawes as are now in force there, derrogatinge from the lawes of England, may be repealed.
      That the oath of Allegance may be administered in steade of that wch they tearme the oath of fidelitie.
      That they goe not beyond theire iust bounds, euen those wch for neare twentie yeares they were content wthall.
      That they admitt of Appeales on iust & reasonable grounds.
      That they pmitt such as desire it, to vse ye Common prayer.
      That all writts &c. may be issewed out in his Maties name.
      My Lord I hope you are pswaded of the greate necessitie there is of sendinge ouer some Commissioners for the further and better setlinge of those Collonyes, now out of order. I most humbly beseech you that all convenient expedition may be made, the summer passinge fast away.
      As for the Dutch I haue prsumed to giue yor Lordp notice, how they incroach and increase and what course they haue taken to invite people to them, and how seuerall of or English familyes are lately gonn to them. I leaue all to your Lorps most wise Consideration, and shall alwayes attend your Commands. Remay[n]inge
Your Lordp most humble seruant
To the right Honorable Edward
    Earle of Clarendon L. high
    Chancelor of England be these
    Most humbly prsented.



      May it please your Lordp (if I know my selfe) I have beene for some tyme, beene a faithfull Intelligencer, as to the New-England affaires in psuance of wch I heare wth humbly prsume to prsent to your Lordp a trew representation of the affaires as now they stand there, colected out of seuerall letters lately come from thence and also by report of many psons lately arived euery pticular, and more, will be playnely made out if required. I leave all to your Lordp[s] wise Consideration, and am att all tymes ready to attend your Comandes. And shall euer remayne
Your Lordps most humble seruant
      My Lord I haue much more to say, so hath Capt Breeden and others, yf you please to Command vs att any time to wayte on you.

To the right honorable Edward
    Earle of Clarendon Lord high
    Chancellor of England these be
    must humbly presented.



      May it please your Lordp As I haue ptly vnderstoode wtt Indeauours there haue beene to obstruct the settelmte of the Gouermt of New England, so I also vnderstand that some (vnder the name of Inhabitante of, and adventurers to New England,) haue indeavored to render me vncapable, of bearing any share (as a seruant) in that worke, this hath not beene vnknowne to many who haue beene, and are much concerned there on wch some for prvention of secret scandalls wch might hinder me of being the meanest seruant in this worke haue drawne vp, and subscribed, this inclosed testimony and presse me humbly to prsent it to your Lordp they are not many yett enough, And truly my Lord these are the men wch long haue, and still doe driue on the trade in that place, and it will euedently be made appeare, that those, who haue indeauored to obstruct, are no way Considerable, nor cannot stand in competition wth these. I humbly leaue i wth your Lordp, and am ready at all tymes to attend your Commande humbly cravinge the fauour from your Lordp that at some convenient tyme I may haue the happines to speake wth you: And I shall euer Remayne
Your Lordps Most humble serut
To the right Honorable Edward
    Earle of Clarendon Lord high
    Chancellor of England. These
    be most humbly prsented.

    Endorsed—"8. Mr. Mavericke 28. March. 1662. testimoniall frõ the Merchants."


      These are to certify all whome itt may concerne that the bearer heereof Mr Samuell Mauerick, hath a long tyme dwelt in New England (allmost since the first plantation thereof by ye English) inioying the loue & friendly respects of ye Generallitye of the inhabitants their, amongst whome hee hath had his conuersation inoffensiuely, & not iustly liable to any obiection so farr as wee can heere or vnderstand saue that (for conscience sake) hee could not subiect to bee a Church membr, Butt otherwise in greate esteeme as a person whose desiers & endeauours haue allwayes bin for ye generall good of ye Cuntry, & for the inlargement of those iust Libertyes & priuilidges (wch through the corruption of the tymes) the inhabitants their haue bin depriued of, & haue greate hopes of beeinge restored vnto, by the endeauors of the sayd Mr Mauerick, Whose retorne to New England in the effectuall accomplishment thereof would bee exceedinge ioyfull to farr the Maior part of the people their, To the truth whereof wee who haue liued in those parts, and others of us who haue long tyme held correspondence, & bin frequent traders wth ye inhabitants thereof (for preuention of secrett scandalls obstructing his endeauours) haue thought fitt to giue him this testimoney to wth wee haue subscribed our names this 20th March 1662.
    JOHN BEIX                                               ROBERT LORD
    J DAVY                                                     DAUID ASHLEY
    WILL. BEEKE                                          EDWARD GODFREY
    WILL. HIECOKE                                         of Yorke in New Eng-
    J, POCOCKE.                                                land some times an
    THO. GOODLAKE                                        Inhabitant 27 yeres.
     Wee whose names are                                           T. BREEDON
      avoue menconed are                                            JOHN WINDER
      the Company of Ad-                                           THO: KELLOND
      venturers for the Iron                                           JOHN BREEDON
      Works in ye Massa-                                            THO: BELL
      chosetts in New Eng-                                           DAVID YALE
      land.                                                           SAM: HUTCHISON.
    [Name illegible.]



      May it please you since I spoke with your Lordship, we haue received Intelligence from New England, of what daylie and ernest expectation there is (by the loyall ptie there) for the arrivall of his Maties Comissioners, who may free them, from the bondage, they haue so long lyen vnder, they also informe, that very littell or nothinge is pformed, of what was promised before your Lordp by the Mesachusets agents last yeare, they also lett vs know that there are many hundreds this yeare arrived there from hence generally disaffected to his Maties Gouermt both civill and ecclesiasticall, And from the Manhatas we heare the dutch Gouernor hath sent for a supply of men and ammunition, and that they intent wth all expedition to build a fort on Niott poynt, wch who euer hath, will inioy, that braue riuer, and the rich trade there in: I therefore must humbly beseech your Lordp to be pleased wth all conuenient speede to dispatch away the Comissioners. Collonell Griffith is goinge downe to Cornebury to kisse yor hand, and to prsent to you seuerall proposalls many of wch we humbly conceive will (being granted) proue vsefull, for the better settlement of those Collonyes, And to wayte on him there goes to psons wch I am well assured may (wth yor Lordps approbation) be very vsefull. the one Capt Jno Manninge who hath for many yeares beene a Commander vnder Maior generall Morgan, who hath given him a large and ample Certificate, wch he will shew you, many more he might have had if desired, he is well knowne and beloued in New England, and will be fitt for any imploymt in the Militia. he is very desirious to goe, and hath wayted for this imployment aboue 18 monethes, The other pson is Mr Mathias Nicholes who hath beene bred a scholar, and a studient in Lincolnes Inne, and a good proficient as by many I haue beene informed, and had he had now tyme, he could haue brought Certificates from some sariants at law and other eminent psons by what I haue heard and seene, I most humbly Conceive he may be fitt for a secretary to the Comissioners, and I hope after your Lordp hath had some discourse wth him, approue of him so to be. My Lord I leaue all to your Lordps Consideration, Craving pardon for my bouldnes, I shall euer Remayne
Sr your Lordps most humble seruant
      Septembr 1th 1663.
To the right honorable Edward Earle of Clarendon Lord high Chancellor of England. These most humbly be prsented.



      May it please your Lordpp by Capt Harrison I hope you have received two letters from me, one by the Capt owne hands, the other from the hands of Mr John Breedon brother to Capt Breedon.
      In one of which I gave your Lordp a breife accoumpt of what passed at the court of Election: what kinde of persons were chosen into office; who amongst the whole Court of Magistrates, & Deputies I conceive to be loyall, & honest: who otherwise: How that the Major part, not the wisest disowned his Majesties authority over them, & in effect proclaimed it by sound of trumpet, forbidding us to act any more (within their jurisdiction) on his Majesties Commission, to us granted.
      In the other, I presumed to declare to your Lordp my opinion, how these people may most speedily, & with more safety to the innocent be reduced, As by seizing on some of their estates in England, I named a ship now in the King's service, belonging most part of her (if no fraudelent coveighances have been lately made) unto persons of this place, & none of his Majesties best subjects, her name the Society Christopher Clark Comander, untill shee was pressed into his Majesties service. An other way I propounded was the prohibiting of all trading with any of his Majties Colonys in America or into any part of Ewrope, without Certificat first had, & obteined from such as his Majtie shall here authorize to give such Certificates, that they belong to such or such a Colony who are in obedience to his Majtie or to such or such a person in any other Colony who are knowne to be loyall Subjects to his Majestie. A third way which I presumed to propound was, the keeping of two small vessells, on this coast, who may probably hinder all commerce with the Massachusets.
      Since which time I have met with some able, & honest men, who are of opinion, that, the ordering of two, or three (of the most refractory persons) to be sent for England, will soone do the work. but there must be force to backe it, The fittest psons for prsent to be sent for are Richard Bellingham Gour Daniell Gookin, Will: Hathorne Rich: Waldron or Walden James Oliuer.
      Colonel Cartwright becoming fit for travell, on the 8th of June we began our journey to the Eastward parts: At Salem, Ipswich, Newberry, & Hampton we found kind entertainment: ffrom Hampton we went (accompanied by severall persons) to see the place where the bound howse once stood, a person living close by, shewed us the very place where it stood, & when the howse fell, he placed a barrell of a gun in the place where it stood, which hee shewed us standing, as the bounds of Massachusets eastwards: Between this place & the Province of Mayn are the townes of Hampton, Exerter, Dover, & Portsmouth, the three last lye in Pascaraquay river: In all those places we acted nothing; but passed over the river into the Province of Mayn, & first summoned the inhabitants of Kittery to appeare at Major Shapleys howse, to heare his Majties Commission read: They generally all peticoned, that they might be taken under his Majties immediat gorvmt. not being willing any longer to remaine under the Massachusets, and as unwilling to be subject to Mr. Gorges: with what expedicon we could we went unto all the townes within the Province of Mayne & found the Inhabitants generally desiring, & peticoning for the same favour, as will appeare by a generall peticon now sent to his Majtie by Colonel Cartwright: To satisfie them for the present, till the Kings pleasure were further knowne, we freed them from being under either of the aforesaid Governments & appointed certaine Justices of the peace to order the affaires of that Province.
      Yesterday in the towne of Wells they kept the first Court, to the great joy of the people, who had been long in a confusion; Sr Robert Carr & myself were present. Not withstanding those of Massachusets knew what we had don, yet on the 4th of July they sent two of magistrats, & other officers, to keepe Court at York: but finding the people would not submit to them & unexpectedly finding Sr Robert Carr, and myself there, & the foot company in armes, they forthwith returned.
      When we were at Casco in this Province, the Sagamore of Wesapaguaqueg* & of severall other places, came & surrendered his Country (under the hand & scale of himselfe, & other great men) to his Majtie humbly craveing his protection of them; It is a far better country then Narraganset, Colonel Cartwright hath the deede in his keeping.
      The whole province of Mayn is claimed by severall persons who had distinct Patents from the Councell of Plymouth for it, all subscribed by Sr fferdinando Gorges, as he was one of that Councell, & done long before he got the Patent for the Province: And as I have said before the Inhabitants, humbly desire they may be free from that government, and truly My Lord, neither that, nor the Massachusets will ever flourish, nor will the major part of the people be satisfied, untill they be fixed under his Majties immediat government. If all the ffreeholders may have liberty to assemble they will vote that the patents may be delivered up to his Majtie & it will be carryed by ten to one.
      On the 9th of Julie, we received his Majties letter of the 28th of January, & forth with in prosecucon of what was commanded, we sent warrants to the foure townes on Pascaraquay river, ordering the inhabitants to meet us on severall dayes at their usuall places of meeting to heare his Majties letter read, & to consult with them about fortifying that river. On the 13th of Julie being the day of meeting at Portsmouth, the Governor & Councell of the Massachusets, by two of their Marshalls sent a prohibition to the people, & a letter to us, which put a stop to our indeavours, for the present.
      Indeed, if it may please your Lordsp it is very necessary that, that river should be secured: the harber is very good, & spacious, there is usually loaden thence above twenty ships yearly: at this time there are 7, or 8 ships lading, one of which is laden for the most with masts, & the best that ever went hence. It is very great pitty to see how naked, & open they lye, even a booty, to any small Pickaroone. Colonel Cartwright can give you an exact accoumpt of this, as of any other things you shall desire informacon in, especially what gunnes, ammunition &c. may be needfull, & are not here to be had, not only for securing this river, but Road Island, & other places also, who haue yet no kind of defence.
     My Lord, if it had not been for the stubborness (if not rebelliousness) of the Massachusets, his Majtie might by this time have had a better accoumpt of affaires here, then now he can. The far greater part of the people feare they shall still remain in bondage to their old masters the governour and Councell of the Massachusetts; Those in Hampshire are not yet freed from them, although much desired by them. Those in the Province of Mayn (although freed for the present) yet fear they may be returned again under either the Massachusets or Mr Gorges government, & then look on themselves & posteritys as miserable.
      Good my Lord, I beseech you hasten what you may the setlement of these poore people, I am much affriad, there may be, else, bloudshed. I assure your Lordsp we have used our indeavours according to our skill & have not forborn to travell in extreamities of cold, & heat any where, where we might have hopes to do his Majtie service your Lordsp hath formerly been pleased to intimat that their was a suply for us, either sent, or to be sent, of which we yet heare nothing, I beseech you to consider, that our expence is great, far more, when we are travelling, then when we are in Boston in our quarters, & it can not be avoided with honour. And I hope your Lordship will not forget to procure something from his Majtie towards the expence, & trouble I was at in England in following this New England business, I shall desire Mr Breedon to waite on your Lordsp about it.
      Your Lordship knows I informed nothing but what was true, and as I said there, all things have come to pass hitherto here, I did prognostik the rebellion of the Massachusets governour, & councell; & now they have made good what I said. I am the man they looke on to be their cheife enemy, & on that accoumpt make no conscience of abusing me: yet I praise God for it, they have nothing justly to say against me. and may I but retein your Lordships favour, I care not for what they can say or doe, which favour I humbly beg, & shall endeavor in any thing I may in some measure to deserve. And shall much rejoyce, if while I live, I be any wayes serviceable to his Majtie his Highness or your Lordship, & shall ever remaine
your Lordpps Most humble Servant
July 24th 1665.

[*"In this province also an Indian Sachem, who lives neare to the great lake, from whence flows Merimack River, petitioned his Maty to take him under his protection, which is also lost." Commissioners' Account of the Province of Maine, in Folsom's catalogue, &c p. 67.]



      May yor good Lordp please once more to giue me leaue to begg in behalfe of those who haue so long beene sufferers vnder the Mesachusetts Gouert and yett finde no releife. On our arivall they had great hopes of it, but seeing nothing donn, they feare they shall be in a worse condition then formerly, And if his Matie doe not take some spedey course, those who haue declared them slues against them will be vndon, the case of the loyall ptie heare, being all one as it was not long since in England, although they are two for one at least, yett they are so ouer awed that they cannot helpe them selues, And if his Matie should yet longer suffer these people to goe on in theire way, hauing so much declared them selues, against his authoritie ouer them, those wch are well affected will neuer dare heareafter to declare them selues. besides all those ill consequences wch must necessarily follow the loyall pte being daylie threatned, and this day the extraordinary generall Court setting it is rumored abroade, that we shall be commited and that they will send fourth forces in to the Prouince of Mayne to subdue those who latly renownced them, and so freely submitted to his Matie Good my Lord pardon my bouldnes the groanes, and continewall complainte of these poor people constraine me to it. I shall endeauou to keep vp theire spirite what I may, in hope of a speedy releife.
      We supposed the supply we haue heard of had come by one Capt Carteret, but he hath beene long in Virginia and may haue come thence / and we hear nothing of any such thinge / our expences must necessarily be great / and wt we haue receiued heare hath beene to a full quarter pte losse, And for credit we must expect none heare, vpon the acco we are on Coll Cartwright and my selfe haue not had one farthing worth of all the plunder taken at Delawar it was worth they say about Ten thousand pound, but how squandred away or to whome giuen w know not, a runagat seruant of his confessed he had 400ll I mean Sr Robt Carr, he heares he is not to haue the gouermt of Delawarr and therefore now moues the Inhabitants of the prouince of Mayne to petition that he may be Gouernor ouer them / he indeavours to be very popular / and accepts of Courtesies fron such as are not of the roghtest. I shall trouble your Lordp no more at prsent but subscrib my selfe.
Your Lordps most humble seruant
Boston, Augt 11th 65.



      May it please your Lordp By Capt Hide an account was given by us of our proceedings to that day, which was Novembr: 24th last, which came safe to hand, as your Lordp was pleased to writ to me. By Capt Harrison May 30th: we gave a full relation of what had past to that day; but not hearing whether that ship ever arrived, I herewith send you a copy of that letter, which I sent by him: but the particulars of the transactions wth the Genall Court of the Massachusets, was sent to New-York: one copy also was sent by Colonel Cartwright, besides that formerly by Harrison. The Court promissed to print it but since refused to do it.
      What business was done in the Eastern parts, from 8th of June, to the last of July Your Lordp may be pleased to see in the copy of the letter sent to Mr Secretary Bennett, the originall of which was sent by Colonel Cartwright.
      On the third of August a genall Court extraordinary, began at Boston to consider (as many supposed) how to mannage theire opposition: And being informed, that they had commissionated Majr Genall Leverat, Majr Lushar; & Danforth, three of their Champions, to go into Hampshire, & the Province of Mayne to call the inhabitants to an account, for their submitting to his Matie and peticoñing to him, that they might be freed from them Sr Robert Carr went shortly after thither, expecting their coming. I remained here, to watch their motions; at last about the 4th of October, they set forth, & coming to the hither side of Pascataquay river, it was expected they would have gone over the river into the Province of Mayn; but receiving a letter from Sr Robert Carr (then being on the other side) they forbore, onely went to Dover, where they had ordered a Court to be kept that day; & demanding a reason from the inhabitants, why they had peticoñed to be freed from under their governmt, and receiving an answer (to be supposed) not according to expectation; within two howers came away for Boston.
      On the news of Colonel Cartwright's being taken (as 'tis by most imagined he is) the Genall then sitting, ordered a genall day of Thanksgiving, to be kept, in all their Jurisdiction; some frivioulous reasons they give for it; but the main is, that God hath yet been pleased to lengthen out the injoymt of their liberties.
      Last night Mr Delavall came from New York hither, haveing been, but 50 howers coming. all are well there: There wants nothing but a supply of money, or goods; which Colonel Nicolls & we all desire, may be sent, if not allready done; for without it the Garrisons cannot be maintained, nor we live, as (for his Maties honor) we ought to doe. We carry it on as well as we can, desiring, not to let the people know that we are any way straightned; which to know, would cause some to rejoyce, & insult.
      I shall trouble your Lordp no further at present humbly desiring your Lordp to be pleased to be referred to Mr Secretary Bennet for further information, of what iherea is wanting; for to him by this conveighance we send copy of a Letter sent him by Colonel Cartwright. A copy of the Massachusets declaration; A Copy of J. Porters peticōn, & the protection we gave him, which they so much are troubled at; A copy also of the prohibition they sent to the Constable of Portsmouth, & of theire letter to us, & our answer to them.
      These we send fearing the former may be lost. By all opportunities I shall acquaint your Lordp with all materiall passages here; Humbly craveing the continution of your Lordps wonted favours towards me; and I shall ever remaine
Your Lordps most humble serv:
Boston Novembr: 7. 1665.



      Captain Peirse ariveing Augt 7th I recd from him a packet, wherein was enclosed his Maties significacōn of his pleasure concerning the Massachusets, & his confirmacōn of what we had done as to the Province of Main, his order for ye release of some prisoners if any such were on account of petitioning to his Matie or us his Comissioners; and also a confirmacōn of the temporary bounds, set betweene Plymouth, & Rhode Island till his Maties pleasure was further knowne.  In it the King commands the Councell to send four or five persons forthwith into England, ordering Mr Bellingham, & Major Hawthorn to be two of them.  I gave the Governor notice that I had such a significacōn, to deliver when his Councell was assembled, & notice given of it.  It was nere five weekes after (notwithstanding all I could speake, or write to presse it) ere I could have opportunitie to deliver it, according to Sr William Morrice his order, which was to the Governor, & Councell assembled.  On Sept. 5th both the Generall court, & court of Assistants sitting I deliverd it, and had it read, with much adoe.  The Generall court after six dayes spent about Anabaptists, Quakers, & I know not what, tooke the significacōn into consideration; and it was voted that noe person should be sent, notwithstanding his Maties expresse command; on which or a little before the considerablest in Boston, & other townes peticōned, that complyance with, & humble submission might be made to his Matie by them who were the representative of the Country; if not, they let them know they would peticōn his Matie to distinguish between the innocent, and the nocent, as by the peticōn a copy of which Capt Breedon will send you with this, you will see.  There was an order presently made to summon into the next court eight of the peticōners, most of them you know.  Mr Dean, Capt Savage, Mr Bratle, Mr Glover of Boston.  Mr Batter of Salem.  Capt Pike of Salisbury.  What they will say to them I know not, & I am sure they care not.  Capt Hubband of Hingham should have bin amongst them, having with nere all the inhabitants of that towne, subscribed the peticōn; but their unworthy deputy delivered it not.  Many were very hot for degradeing these Capts presently; Major Dennison, & Mr Broadstreet, and Capt Pincheon, as I heare, entred their dissent, amongst the Magistrates.  Mr Browne, & Curwin, Capt Davis, with severall others of the deputies, likewise dissented; and had their dissent entred.  They now begin to thinke & feare that, the major part of the people will not stand by them.  And (as I have ever thought, & said) not ten will stand by them: Yet some of them seeme to be resolved to beare it out to the last.  One sayes, If they must be ruined, it were better to be torne in pieces by a Lyon, than gnaw'd in peeces by ratts.  An other says they are resolved, not to be trampled on by any.  Capt Breedon (I suppose) will informe of this more at Large.
      Sr The 600£ worth of goods sent by Mr Bendall, I recd at Boston, and about ten dayes since, they were divided.  Colonell Nicolls his part is, by his order, put on board the sloape I lookd for here for my transportation to York, if shee come not in, I will away by land within two dayes, although (you know) it is a long journey.  Wee humbly thank my Lord Chancellor for his ordering the aforesaid summe for us: and you for your care, & paines about it.  The goods are not yet disposed off, only divided.  Capt Breedon, Mr Deane, and Mr Lynde are desired to see how the Draper dealt as to the goodnesse, & price; (having looked superficially over them) they suppose there is 25: per Cent charged above what they had them charged for ready money, As to the goodness it is not yet seene.  I mean when I came from Boston.
      Sr Robert Carr gott in his travills to Delaware, & Maryland a Feavor, & Ague, & I do not heare that he is yet recovered.
      I only write these lines to you, fearing the fleet may be gone before my returne.  And with this Capt Breedon will send you as many copies of papers, as can be procured, Within a few days I have bin at Yorke you shall have a better account, if this come to you before.  I am now at Mr Brentons who thanks you for your letter, & will write to you in answer.  All your friends here, & elce where are well, & remember themselves to you, & desire the injoyment of your company.  I do not meane as those of the Massachusets; With my best respects presented to you, & thanks for all favours remaine
Your very affectionat friend
      Major Phillips of Saco being here present desired me to present his service to you.
      To the Honoble Colonell George
            Cartwright Esqr at Mr Lavand-
            ars a Cook at the Talbot in the
            Strand these present.



      May it please your Lordp  In octobr last were two letters writen to you, and in my absence att New Yorke, were by Captaine Breedon committed to the care and trust of Mr Bendall and Capt Clarke, In this fleete are sent two pacquetts, the outward Couert is directed to Sr Will: Couentry, in those are letters to his royall highnes, your Lordp and Sr Will: Morice, In all wch an account is giuen, how al thinges stand heare att this tyme.  One Samuell Wheate will repaire to yor Lordp and present to you, the coppie of a letter we wrote to the Gouer and counsell of the Messachusette, exhorting them to obedience and theire answer to it. by wch it is euident, they intend to stand out as long as they can.  In the letters before mentioned were sent Copies of Petitions deliuered to the last Court subscribed by many considerable p[s]ons of seuerall townes desiring they would obay his Maties Commaunde.  And how the petitioners were delt wth by that Court for their prsumption.
      Good my Lord we most humb[l]y desire you would be pleased to procure some speedy order may be taken for the quelling of the rebellious, and incouragmt of the loyall and well affected partie, for if they be suffered to goe on in rebellion it will be an ill and daungerous prsident to the other Collonyes,  Two yeares since we prsumed to shew or opinion, how this might be donn wth the least charge and trouble, and wth most securitie to the Innocent.
      At first by sendinge for some of the most eminent offenders was this yeare doune but takes no effect.
      next seisinge on their estate where euer found, and prohibitinge them all trade wth any of his Maties Collonyes or in any other ptes, wth the subiecte of any prince in league wth his Matie, vnless they can prduce a certificate vnder the hand and seale of such as his Maiestie shall appoynt for that purpose, that they belong to such or such a Collony wch are in obedience to his Matie, or to such or such a pson in the Messachusets, who haue declared them selues, and are certainely knowne to be loyall subiecte. seuer[a]ll shipes wch went in the last fleete & now in this also, belong in whole or pte to disaffected psons, and goods to a great vallew.
      another way may be the keeping of a small frigott or two who may intercept all trade & comerce wth Boston or any other port belonging to the Messachusette. wch will soone bring them downe.  We humbly leave it to consideration.  My Lord if some speedy course be not taken, those wch haue submitted, or declared for his Matie by petitioninge or otherwise will be in a miserable condition.  Yf we may be any wayes seruisable, we are at his Maties Comaund.  So craving your Lordps pardon for giuinge you this trouble we remayne.
Your Lordships Most humble seruants
ROBERT CARR                   
    Boston Janu: 10. 16667.

      My Lord I intended to haue come in this fleete and had all thinges ready abord. but the shippes being 20 dayes since driven ashore and and (sic) not able in 15 dayes to gett of,/ in the meane tyme I was seased on by a fitt of sicknes wch hath so weakned me, as that by aduise of P[h]isitian and freinds, I am aduised not to aduenture.  Pardon I beseech you these scribled lyenes in haste. I Remayne
Your Lordsps most humbl servant
To the right honorable Edward Earle
      of Clarendon Lord high Chan-
      cellor of England these humbly

Collections of the New-York Historical Society for the Year 1869

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